Anerley Gazette, June 2022

At last Summer is here, and in the last week or so before it actually started, Anerley B.C really came to life! Our Ladies can claim to be the pace setters – starting off with their Mallorcan adventure. And much to the satisfaction of Mark H, Dee has pumped up the tyres on her Tri-bike and renewed her interest in time trialling, doing a 10 on the Dorking course. Also, what a great turnout of Anerley’s fastest and fittest on this year’s London Ride. But there is much more. With Gravel Bikes and summer weather, now is the time to join the Green revolution and get off road!
But let us start with our first mass gathering of this Summer – our club’s Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Garden Party, for whom we have to thank Jo Rifaat and Tom Vaz

At Last, an Overseas Tour!
After a two year delay due to Covid, our ladies eventually made it to from a chilly UK to the sunshine of Mallorca. No wonder they look so happy!

The adventure starts here
by Denise Bray and Jo Smith
Track Riding at Herne Hill
And with Covid restrictions now relaxed, Mark H our race promoter, was again able to organise his ever popular, track day at Herne Hill.

by Peter Roberts
Train Assisted Journeys
In the old days, a now disgraced celebrity used to advertise on TV, “this is the age of the train”. Disgraced he may be but the adverts to “let the train take the strain” are still appropriate for us cyclists. Although we have now have a rail strike planned for this month, you can still plan around them. Rail assisted journeys give you a real sense of cycling holidays without all the pfaff of packing luggage. Touring in summer Britain is as good as anywhere in the world! Here is a series of rides including GPS routes.
Essex & Suffolk
While lying in a hospital bed after a heart attack, Tom V planned a series of recovery rides using the trains. He was delighted to be allowed back on my bike so soon!
This is an account of Tom’s first cycling day trip since have a stent fitted.

by Tom V
Brian C writes of another memorable trip to Hastings, “Avid readers of the Gazette (there must be some – c’mon own up!) may remember my piece in last July’s edition about a ride to Hastings. It was particularly special for me as it was my first 100+ miles ride. Also memorable for Karen’s bonking episode (ooo matron!).”

by Brian C
After the usual question of “Is a road bike alright?”, to which I replied along the usual lines, “Yes, depending on how you ride and how wide your tyres are”. I was joined by two of the Anerley worthies Brian Chapman and John Diamond who proved that gravel bikes are not essential on a route with limited offroading.

by Tom V
Hunt the Thimble and a Tyre Changing Competition!
The sunshine brought out the party spirit. Anerley fun and games – Hunt the Thimble and a Tyre Changing Competition!

An Anerley Club Time Trial
We last held our own Club Time Trial in 2015. This lot were our fastest and fittest – have they still got the legs?

Gravel Rides seem here to stay
Now that Summer is here, gravel riding is a must for those of the haves and some of the have nots. As long as you have good mobility and the legs for it, gravel riding is still possible on a road bike with slightly wider tyres – 28mm to 32mm might be enough if you have the confidence.
John Diamond leads the way!

We now have a new volunteer ride leader, introducing more bridle paths!!! Many thanks to John Diamond for bringing more variety.
Amberley and the South Downs

On the search for gravel Tom V chose a train assisted ride around the South Downs from Amberley, Midhurst, Arundel, Amberley
Bike Maintenance Sessions
Vince is running maintenance training sessions and at the moment he is booking people in, with training carried out in his garage, on Mon, Wed, Thurs. You can still book yourself into a session by contacting Vince directly via WhatsApp.

Tea Rooms – Lost one/Gained one
Des’s gang wandered off into Surrey expecting a nice coffee stop at Painshill Park. However, since covid, you are now required to pay to get to the tea room so they set off in search of pastures new.

Ride London and Freecycle
These two events happened on the same weekend. I suppose it is best to shut the roads just once to avoid annoying Londoners too much. Of course the Anerley had representation in both.
Ride London 2022
This year’s Ride London went through Essex. Although not meant to be a race, many Anerley riders took part in order to get personal bests or just get a trophy! Some went for “fun” including our Canadian outpost member – Moira.

Ride London Freecycle
The Freecycle event took place on the same day as the Ride London event with London Cycling Campaign organising feeder rides. Our own Vince led the large Croydon group.

And finally…
Thank you, we have a better spread of contributors this month, let’s see you all get involved!
If you are enjoying your cycling then it is likely that we all want to know what you are up to. Why not share your interests and experiences with the rest of us. Or perhaps there are other topics that you would like to see in the Gazette?
Current Covid guidance from our Club Captain
The government has removed all domestic COVID restrictions in England. So dealing with COVID has effectively become advice on how to reduce the risks of catching and spreading COVID. This includes the following:
Get vaccinated
Let fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meet outside:
Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces
Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms, and stay at home if positive”
Peter Roberts