Anerley Gazette, November 2021

The last day of October is also the last day of British Summer Time, so put away the sun tan lotion and get out the Vick Vapour Rub to combat the winter coughs and sneezes! If you remembered to put the clock back, hope that you also remembered you ought to have lights on your bikes. That is if you don’t already have them. If not, some advice in this month’s Gazette!

But even with Covid and some awful weather we have still had a good cycling year. Many new faces have joined our club, many new places have been visited, and new things have been sampled.
Only a couple of weeks ago we had a clash of events with Sue Smith and Jo Rifaat completing their first Audax event, the Grid Iron, down in the New Forest. And on the same day we had 3 Anerley teams competing for the first time in about 15 years, in a map reading competition – The Southern Saunter. Audaxes and Map Reading competitions are old and traditional cycling events that Anerley BC were doing over 100 years ago – so I do hope we do more of them in 2022!
But this year is not yet over, and Shakil organised a fitting close to the end of B.S.T! This was his Mass Gathering at Haskins Garden Centre at Snow Hill. What an excellent choice it was, with a separate area set aside for us to gather on this cooler and cloudier day. I don’t know if there was an “official” head count, but my reckoning was at least 36 ABC members! But see

So now, what do we have for you to read about during these winter evenings? Read on!
Racing News
Fran Steadman, our illustrious Club Secretary took First Lady prize in the Loxwood 25 mile TT on Sunday 24th October. Amazing news and well done. You have made the Anerley very proud!

The Anerley Bicycle Club A.G.M.
The AGM will be held on the 21st November from 3pm-6pm at:
Emmanuel Church Hall,
Rockhampton Road,
South Croydon, CR2 7AF
There is free parking available on local roads.
This venue consists of a big hall, which is Covid friendly….. (excuse the oxymoron). We will also have use of the kitchen. I have applied for a ‘use of alcohol’ licence, and been granted one. Please could you all bring a cake. I will send an email out regarding whether you are to bring your own alcohol or whether you will be asked to make a donation to the club for alcohol served in the hall. Teas and coffees are free of charge.
Thank you for the items for consideration already sent. I will be receiving these until Friday 5th November. Please see below for email address and subject heading.
No need to respond if you are coming. If you are unable to attend and would like to send your apologies, please send an email with subject heading AGM 2021 Anerley Bicycle Club to
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Last of the Summer’s Wine
Of late there has been a shortage of rides posted on the Anerley Ride Register, so what has happened to our Ride Leaders? It can’t just be the weather?
It was a beautiful sunny morning when we set off on a bike ride, up the challenging climb through Ashcombe Wood to Ranmore Common, stopping at the top of the climb for a breather to get some oxygen back into our heaving lungs!
Of course, you have all been up here on many occasions, but where is this?

To find out where and what you are missing, see
By Des
Winter Cycling – Be Safe Be Seen!
Now that Winter is here, we have three things to be especially aware of. Dark mornings and darkness returning in late afternoon. – Fog and mist. – Slippery roads, due to rain, frost, black ice.
I got caught out by the earlier onset of sunset, a couple weeks ago. Yes it was me who not only forgot the matches, but also the L.E.Ds!

So don’t be a dim wit like me! See
Anerley Go Mad on a Saunter

No dim wits here, as Sue Diamond takes us on a mentally stimulating bike ride around the country lanes of the Kent Weald. Anerley B.C’s first map reading competition since biros replaced quill pens!
Anerley’s team Go Mad as they brainstorm an O.S map here
By Sue Diamond
One Did Go Mad in Dorset!

Brian Chapman completed his big challenge for charity. Riding from London to Dorset and back sounded like it was going to be hard but read the details here to find out just how hard
Read the full article here
By Brian Chapman
Mulga Bill’s Bicycle!

An amusing poem about the new craze of cycling that was sweeping the world in 1880s and 1890s. It appeared in the Australian newspaper – The Sydney Mail – on 25 July 1896. It also featured as a very apt, brain numbing memory challenge on the Southern Saunter!
Not a bike ride down memories lane but a crash course in Australia’s Outback! Penned by Banjo Patterson when Queen Victoria ruled the waves, see
By Des
Should You Wear a Camera?
I have wanted to carry a camera for some time because of the ridiculous and reckless driving I have seen on club rides and also while commuting. Martin Bates shared details of his camera after a recent club ride when Vince had a very near miss from a van overtaking as a car was approaching in the opposite direction. The incident was filmed and subsequent action taken by Vince.
Last Sunday, 24th October, I tested my new camera and boy was it tested
by TomV
Anerley News and Gossip
Denise continues to catch up with all the chit-chat and gossip of our membership, and introduces us to our newest club members – this month it is Sam Turner – who was looking for a friendly club that offered interesting mid-week rides. It looks like he has found just that!

So what else has Denise picked up from monitoring Anerley Chat and other sources?
by Denise
Cycling By Numbers – Hill Repeats

With winter now starting you have to be a masochist to enjoy long rides on cold and frosty mornings. That is when short rides, concentrating on our local hills come to the fore. There is little that improves our overall fitness more, and is guaranteed to keep you warm, than climbing hills!
Read all about it here!
by Des
Highways and Byways-Battle Stations!

We are not a heads down racing club so have ample opportunity to appreciate the scenery on our Sunday and other rides. There are many things of interest which you might not have noticed, or the significance of which you might not have been aware. So for example, this is a . . . . . PILL BOX! No it is not somewhere to store your Apple Tablet, but a bit of World War2 history!
by Des
The End of the World

It had been a long and winding road when we reached our destination at Santiago, but a very interesting and memorial bike ride. But we then discovered that over the centuries, a tradition had grown up, of continuing the 100km to Cabo Finisterre, the most western point of Europe, the end of the world before Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Here, the medieval pilgrims as a final cleansing, burnt their clothes on the beach below and plunged into the sea for a baptismal renewal. Now Yoshi and I waited with anticipation. Were Ewa and Irena going to fulfil the final cleansing? Were they going to burn their bras and leap naked into the cold Atlantic waters?
Sorry, but to find out you will have to read the final episode of epic bike ride across Spain at
by Des
Covid Guidance from Captain Mark Hancock

The lifting of lockdowns has finally happened, the current club ride rules are still as follows:
- All ride leaders need to use the Ride Register.
- If you are leading at the start you need to make note of who you are riding with.
- We need to make it known when we stop that we all wash our hands at a venue before & after eating.
- We all need to have a mask, some cafe’s still require it.Maximum group size is up to the leader but the guideline is still 8.
- No official Anerley ride is to be ridden unless it is on the register, It is there for a reason use it.
- Most of us have had a least one shot of the vaccine let’s all enjoy group riding again but please make sure we stick to the basic guidelines.
Upcoming events
- December Group Ride – a Fancy Dress Christmas Special. Come as a tree or an elf or the Jolly Cyclist himself. Please contact Denise if you can help.
- Christmas Lunch – Christmas lunch has been booked and many deposits paid. If you want to go then please get in touch with Jo Rifaat or Sally Styles.
- New Years Day Ride – This year New Year’s day is a Saturday. Anyone fancy a ride to burn off a few mince pies? Get in touch with Tom V
- February 2022 – a post Christmas group ride to be confirmed.
This month’s edition was once again produced by Des Donohoe with a bit of technical help from Tom Vaz. Many thanks for the additional contributions from different members of the club. We would welcome any articles for consideration for the next Gazette – it is YOUR club newsletter!