Anerley Gazette, December 2021

This year started with doom and gloom. Covid 19 was raging and our prospects were not looking good. Fortunately, some very effective vaccinations came to our rescue, and boosted by the speedy roll out of a series of jabs, our Club membership has had a good year of cycling, with plenty of variety.
This was evidenced by the reports from our various Committee members at the recent A.G.M. These highlighted that a lot more had been happening than most members realised. Also that there was much that would have made interesting reading in our Gazette.
So please do remember, that the Gazette is intended to reflect all the cycling interests and activities of our members. We would welcome any articles for consideration for the Gazette – YOUR club newsletter. So email your ideas and contributions to Thanks!
The New Club Committee
It was really good to see so many people at the AGM, I think a final count of 41 people turned up – must be a record in living memory. Unlike the COP26 summit it was none of the blah, blah, blah. We came out with a refreshed committee and some genuine commitments to our cycling agenda.

A report on the AGM is here, see
A Well Travelled Road
Karen organised a trip with the old crocks …
By Shakil and Karen

Of course the Penny Farthing shown above is much older than any of the veteran cars, so when do you think the first cyclist (or should it be a velocipist?) pedalled his way from London to Brighton?
Isle of Arran & Lake District Tour

Enough perhaps about big cities and choking traffic fumes. Let us now breathe some clean, mountain air, and be listen to John Drake as he is led by Mark H up to a Scottish Isle and the English Lakes.
By John Drake
Awayday to Weymouth

Whilst Captain Mark H was leading his group up north, at the same time, another Anerley group headed south to the Dorset coast. Look at these old fossils – no not us – the rock!
Read the full article here
By Des
A re-union after 60 years!

And whilst down in Dorset, we had a chance meeting with an Anerley member – a re-union after 60 years!
Read the full article here
By Des
Anerley Gossip

And back to the present day, Denise relates the latest tittle tattle. So what is Ewa up to!
Read the full article here
By Denise
Anerley’s New Forest Audax
The last Anerley Audax was in 2011, so after 10 years it was very encouraging to see the experiences of Jo Rifaat and Sue Smith, when they rode their first Audax. Let us hope that this encourages more Anerley Audax rides!
by Jo R and Sue S
Frank K – Back on the Road Again
Frank meets a donkey (the donkey is at the back)
Frank’s last ride was with John Eden early Covid on 3rd March 2021 to Clapham Junction/Shepperton, Staines, Runnymede, Windsor Castle environs, Maidenhead, Windsor train home. 4th March was his home staircase calamity…
Eight months later and Frank is back on town!
Read all about it here!
by Frank K
November’s Ups and Downs!

So what have the rest of us been doing? Mending punctures! The score card now stands at Ewa 2, Dave Stott 2 and Tom Tom 1. Who is going to get the hat trick?
Read all about it here!
by Des
Safer Cycling 2 – Mirrors!

We all have stories to tell, or scars, resulting from accidents, incidents and close shaves with motor vehicles. So something that help to avoid such incidents.
Read all about it here!
by Des
Current Covid Guidance
The current club ride rules are still as follows:
- All ride leaders need to use the Ride Register.
- If you are leading at the start you need to make note of who you are riding with.
- We need to make it known when we stop that we all wash our hands at a venue before & after eating.
- We all need to have a mask, some cafe’s still require it.Maximum group size is up to the leader but the guideline is still 8.
- No official Anerley ride is to be ridden unless it is on the register, It is there for a reason use it.
- Most of us have had at least two shots of the vaccine – let’s all enjoy group riding but please make sure we stick to the basic guidelines.
Upcoming events
- December 14th Social Ride – a Fancy Dress Christmas ride to Oliver’s Cafe & Wine in Copthorne. Come as a tree or an elf or the Jolly Cyclist himself.
- Christmas Lunch – Christmas lunch has been sold out and many deposits paid. If you still want to go then please get in touch with Jo Rifaat or Sally Styles who may have cancellations you can fill.
- New Years Day Ride – This year New Year’s day is a Saturday. Anyone fancy a ride to burn off a few mince pies? Get in touch with Tom V
- February 2022 – a post Christmas group ride to be confirmed.
This month’s edition was once again produced by Des Donohoe. Many thanks for the additional contributions from different members of the club. We would welcome any articles for consideration for the next Gazette – it is YOUR club newsletter!