This Month’s Gossip!

You may recall, from last month’s gossip, the subject of Des and his LSD. Well I can confirm he does like to indulge in a bit of acid, but fear not, I’m not talking about psychedelic trips. Instead, acid to Des means Lactic Acid. He reliably tells me that recent schools of thought consider lactate no longer to be a harmful waste product of strenuous exercise, but rather a supplemental fuel – converted he tells me by the Krebs Cycle. No not his bike but the wonders of human biology!

So there you have it, could this be the reason he’s motoring up the hills!
And on the subject of strenuous exercise, congratulations are in order to Fran for being the fastest Female participant in a 25 mile TT on the Loxwood circuit down in the wilds of Sussex. Fran has been so busy this year that she has hardly done any cycling, but without any training or preparation Fran just decided to do it.
Was she inspired by a recent Anerley Sunday Ride to Effingham, which finished with one of our well known hills?

Fran had only ridden one 25 before, on this same, Loxwood course. She just wanted to compare this year’s ride against her previous one. She was really anxious, expecting a very slow time. Her expectations were not enhanced by the poor road surfaces, lots of potholes, and a hilly course. So you can imagine how pleased Fran was, not only to finish – but to be the fastest Lady!
And perfect for these winter bike rides, she won a smart looking bike light from Exposure Lights, much admired by Tom Tom.
So, it seems Fran (25 mile) and Denise (10 mile) were the only ladies in the club to have a go at a TT this year, unless you know better ???
Next we come to this month’s new members low down – this time from our new funny man Benn Offei shown far right, who tells me …

“I’ve ridden a couple of times in the past with Bob and Sandy on Addiscombe rides. I also know Ivor Chung, who some time back recommended that I try Anerley.
I also know Tom Vaz. Myself and Tom belonged, to a Sports club called Dragons on the Purley way, over 30 years ago. Back then my main sports, were football and squash. In this case, Tom remembers a lot more than I do, because he reminded me what I used to do, when having a 1/2 hr shower!”
Hmm, seems Tom Vaz has some explaining to do! It was nice to see him back on his bike following his nasty accident and with a smart new bike too, which replaces the damaged one from the incident. Another lovely titanium from PlanetX shown here. Glad to see you’ve recovered Tom

Club social ride
Our next date will be Tuesday14th December, destination OLIVERS CAFE & WINE, Borers Close, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne RH10 3LH

This is our Christmas ride, so deck your bikes and yourselves with tinsel and Christmas jumpers and join us from 12.00 at Olivers. Look out on the ride register a few days prior. Depending on the route chosen it’s about 20 miles each way so the slower group(s) may set off at 9.30am
Club AGM
How lovely to see a good turnout of about 40 of us getting together at the St. Emmanuel Church Hall, the first non-cycling gathering since Covid restrictions. Nice to have a natter afterwards over tea and cake – and more cake – and even more!
I’m sure there’ll be a more “official” report of the afternoon’s events but the gossip is that Barrie acquired an armful of used inner tubes from Bob B which will keep him busy doing mass repairs, Vince distributed more (already repaired inner tubes) to the masses, Ewa acquired a few pairs of shorts from Denise’s friend and everyone else acquired take away biscuits. A good afternoon for recycling and saving the planet wouldn’t you say!
And mention of recycling, I hear that Ewa has found another use for discarded inner tubes. No need to join a gym for those keep fit classes, as she demonstrates here!

Thanks to Fran for booking the hall and to Sally, Jo R, Martin, Ewa, Denise and all the other willing hands who worked in the kitchen.

So that is my last bit of Gossip for 2021, so an early “Happy Christmas to all our readers!”