Anerley Gazette, August 2022

By now many of you will have already started or been on your cycling holidays, or Anerley Away Days and it has been great to see so many members going to new destinations. In last month’s Gazette, we have already featured our ladies adventure in sunny Mallorca, and part 1 of Tim’s Anerley Away Days at the York Rally. So this month, again – ladies first!
The Vätternrundan, Sweden 2022
Our Jo Smith continues her adventures as Anerley’s 5 times Swedish cycling marathoner, being interviewed after the event for Swedish TV no less!!!!

A must read, here
Club News
Our Club Captain is slowly working his way through a set of revised set of Club documents and these two have now been signed off by the Committee, please take time to read these documents, especially the Club Runs document. If you have any comments please send them direct to the Captain
Results of the club survey – by the Captain
The results of the recent survey is being analysed and discussed by the Committee. In the meantime, Peter Roberts has produced this summary of the preliminary results.
Anerley BC Club Runs
The Club Handbook is still in revision but this information on Club Runs and what is expected of members is very important.
Communication & Decision Making in Anerley BC
There are approximately 95 members of ABC. Virtually all members use email, although some only use it occasionally. However, there is no single method of communication used by every ABC member, apart from speaking! Email is the method used by the most ABC members.
The Battle of the Sexes!
Are you up for a challenge?

It can be quite testing, but very enjoyable
Chain Lubes
And now one, not by the ladies, but especially for the ladies, yes really! Just be patient and keep reading past the bit about getting your hands mucky!

Mark H Offers a Great Camping Trip!
And for those of you who have not yet booked an Anerley Away Day, or want to add another whilst you still have the opportunity. Why not add you name to Mark Hancock’s away days in the New Forest!

Get your name down whilst the opportunity still exists!
York Rally Part 2
The continuing saga of camping up North, ridden and written up by our Club Captain, Peter Roberts.

The final days at the York Rally
A hot topic!
Something very important to be aware of, if you own or are considering getting an electric bike!

Another hot topic!
And from one hot topic to another hot topic! The most enjoyable thing about being a cyclist, is going on summer cycling holidays! My winter evenings are spent thinking about, planning, and finally organising at least one summer cycling holiday. And this year was no different! Thoughts merged into action by a chance meeting in Fanny’s Farm Tearoom!

A Train Assisted Ride to Margate with the Numpties

Tom V rides with a group who call themselves the Numpties
Safer Cycling
Road safety is something that is very important – especially to cyclists – because we are the most vulnerable of road users. Unlike pedestrians, we spend most of our travel time on the road – not the pavement! Unfortunately we have to contend with idiots like this!

What can be done about it? For a start, click here
Tommy Simpson
I expect some of you will have been glued to the TV during July, watching the high lights of this year’s Tour de France, but few of you will be aware of the top British, Tour rider who died of heat stroke and other factors.

Catch up on the story here
What to do about Inflation
The Media – TV news, newspapers and the internet – have been full of doom and gloom. Holidays ruined by being stuck at airports, 6 hour queues at Dover, train drivers strikes, and if that was not enough – inflation going through the roof! But much more worrying for us cyclists is – deflation!

And finally…
We would be delighted if you could consider a writeup for the next Gazette. Doesn’t have to be London-Edinburgh-London – just something you enjoyed, even non-cycling articles will be used.
Current Covid guidance from our Club Captain
The government has removed all domestic COVID restrictions in England. So dealing with COVID has effectively become advice on how to reduce the risks of catching and spreading COVID. This includes the following:
Get vaccinated
Let fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meet outside:
Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces
Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms, and stay at home if positive”
Peter Roberts