Anerley Gazette, February 2022

The new digital Anerley Gazette struggles into this new year of 2022. It was only 3 months ago at our AGM that I tried to gather some support from you – but was it to no avail?
I received an e-mail from Tom Vaz: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 at 09:25 I have absolutely nothing for this month’s Gazette. Shall we give it a rest? Tom.
Is the Gazette so boring that we should pull the plug? It would certainly save Tom, Denise and myself a lot of time and hassle each month if we stopped having to think of things to say, and type up. Being a one finger typist I am spending more time on my P.C than on my bike!
But lack of support is not a new problem! The continuation of the Gazette has been under threat for a number of reasons, over most of it’s long history. Principally because our Club members have been reluctant – very reluctant(!) to put pen to paper or finger to key board, to provide some bedtime reading for the rest of us.
But survive it has, and this Gazette item from 1914 and updated 10 years ago in 2012, explains why it should be kept going.
Holdsworth 1961 Monsoon Restoration
As far as articles were concerned, all was not lost, John Eden came to the rescue, not only by saving a classic bike from the council tip, but also by writing about it!
So the before, and what John Eden did with it!
Accidents Never Happen (in a perfect world)
Many of us have had the horrible feeling in that moment before a crash. The splat about to happen is out of our control as you brace yourself. Brian Chapman is having a cycling existential crisis after his second big crash since last year. Will he recover his confidence? Get in touch with your ideas to help him regain his mojo.

Read Brian’s thoughts here
Riding Into 2022
Well some of us did get off to a good start to 2022, with a bike ride on New years Day!

Read all about it here!
Have you had an MOT Test?
But the bad news was that one sunny day does not turn Winter into Spring! Rain, fog, and black ice meant cancelled rides and lost fitness. A popular solution now is to work up a sweat indoors with weights.

Just Call Me Mud
In the spirit of adventure, Tom V decided to do a train assisted ride from Epping Forest to Purley. A casual invitation saw 4 riders join him on a freezing and muddy but glorious day out.

More details here
The Ladies do love to Gossip!
And whilst we were freezing at home in the UK, someone sneaked off to sunnier climes, or should that be climbs, skiing in the mountains of sunny Italy! Yes Denise has herself become the topic of much Gossip!
Who are these people and what do we know about them? See
Tales From an old Gazette
And some more nostalgia! Ewa now has nearly 30 years of mending punctures, having been in Anerley B.C since 1995. Her and my partnership, also goes back many years. With nostalgia in mind, a digital re-print from an original paper Anerley Gazette. No camera phones then, so to add a bit of colour, photos from our modern archive.
by Des

Not just a new year, but a new Millennium!
New Year, New Memories
However, a new year always brings with it, memories of the good old days
by Des

Some nostalgia!
A Winter’s Day Riding
It’s Winter – bitingly cold winds – rain – black ice. Do you remember those sunny day bike rides!
By Des

The here and now! See
Winter Strength Training
Whilst the winter weather can be a problem, more important to us, is the loss of the previous summer’s hard won fitness. But take a leaf out of a book about how Team GB became top dogs!

Des has been reading about how to add power to the pedals!
And finally…
Well, the Gazette has survived for another month! Surely with a Club membership of circa 90 cyclists, there must be some of you doing interesting things and going on interesting bike rides? Why not share your interests and experiences with the rest of us. Or perhaps there are topics that you would like to see in the Gazette?
It would also be useful to get some feedback from you. For example this month’s Gazette features weight training/resistance training. Do any of you do it now, or done it in the past? Pros and cons?
If so, drop us an email to the address below – Thanks!
Current Covid guidance from our Club Captain
“From 27 January many of the legal requirements for Covid will be relaxed. You are no longer required to wear a face covering and you are no longer required to check in using the NHS Covid app. We are not in control of the cafes and other venues we visit, so be prepared for higher standards which some venues may still choose to apply. You may also prefer to continue to use a face mask for your own protection. You should not come on a club run if you are showing signs of Covid, or if you have tested positive recently, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive recently. Regular LF testing is recommended.”
Peter Roberts
And last but no means least, a bit of very useful advice from Tom Tom Moody. He has suggested something that we should all know about. News, tips and Offers galore from cycling UK!