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Sports Round-up for 2022

With some additions from the Anerley Gazette where available.

The Good Old Days – Anerley’s Fittest and Fastest!

Three Anerley members rode in Time trails this year, the most prolific was Barrie Foster who represented our club in 12 events including a 15 miler in 41 minutes 21 seconds. I should add, he beat his time standards at all distances ridden. So his fastest 10 mile TT was the Bec 10 on the local Dorking course in 26 minutes & 48 seconds, with an average speed of 22.38mph. On the 26th of June he rode the Sussex C.A 50 mile event, doing 2 hours 32 minutes & 30 seconds at 19.67mph average. On the 18th of September he rode in the VTTA Surrey & Sussex 25-mile championships & did a stunning ride of 1 hour 1 minute & 31 seconds at an average of 24.38mph. I believe he came away winning money at two events this year too. So Barrie has won all three of our Club’s  Mens cups at these distances besides getting VTTA awards for beating his standards. It takes a huge effort to ride these events & train for them, so well done to Barrie for his efforts this year!

 Onto the Ladies, and again on the 28th of May, Dee rode her first TT for the Club. She did a cracking time of 30 minutes & 6 seconds on the hard, Dorking course, just missing out on evens at 19.93mph. As a result, Dee will receive the Ladies 10 cup for this ride. Additionally at one point in the year, I needed a marshal for a local event & Dee kindly stepped forward to help, so well done and thanks Dee for your support.
Unfortunately no photos of Dee in action, but for details of her T.T ride, see https://anerleybc.org/dees-tt-at-holmwood/

Fran Stedman left it late to get a ride in this year but she seems to like polishing her cups! So she wanted to retain at least one, hence on October the 23rd she rode the Brighton Mitre 25 mile T.T. It’s a tough course made harder by appalling weather. Even so she did the 25 miles in 1 hour 46 minutes & 17 seconds, and I should add, only 10 riders finished. So again Fran retains the Ladies 25 mile cup. 

And for not just one ride, but the annual total, Karen gets the Club Attendance Award for topping the Ride Register listing.

On the 17th of May we had the annual track day at Herne Hill velodrome. It is a hard event to organise with some riders pulling out & new ones coming in. Plus we have the problem of getting a date everyone can make. On the day we had John Dadson, Peter Roberts ,John Diamond, Dee, Barrie, Sam, Karen, Dennis, Carlos, Julie, & Tom Tom riding, with Peter Trimming & myself taking photos. It was the first time on a track for some & the first day on a track bike too, but the weather was great on the day, we had no crashes & everyone learnt a bit more about riding in a group safely. I intend to run two events next year which I hope riders will support.

Read all about it here https://anerleybc.org/%e2%80%8bherne-hill-track-day-2022/

Des & myself tried in vain to drum up support for a practice T.T in the summer around an 8 mile course based near Tan House Farm.

See https://anerleybc.org/an-anerley-challenge-ride/ A very few riders were keen but there was not enough support for this to go ahead. But maybe next year we can run at least one practice before the season starts properly in May. If we can get a Ladies team of three in local events we have a chance of winning the team prize. 

On the 29th of May a number of our Club members rode the 100 mile, London Ride event. These included Jo Smith, Denise, Jim, & Gavin, sorry if I missed anyone else who rode. Our fastest lady was Vivienne in 6 hours 54 minutes & 47 seconds & so retains the Ladies 100 mile cup. Fastest man was John Diamond with a cracking time of 5 hours 8 minutes & 54 seconds, nearly a 20mph average, so he wins the Mens Anerley 100 mile cup for the first time.

The longest one day ride was by two Anerley ladies who went to Sweden & rode the 315km Vatternundan event in 15 hours & 40 minutes. I believe they also rode two other events there as well. So Jo & Denise will be getting the Appletree shield to polish next year!

You can read what this involved here! https://anerleybc.org/the-vatternrundan-sweden-2022/

Last thing for me to say is, sorry that I cannot be at the AGM this year, but well done to all who have represented the club during this year. I hope to carry on as racing secretary next year if the club want me to?

And finally, I will need all the club Trophies back before Christmas so i can get them engraved & polished ready for the club dinner.

Mark Hancock, Racing Secretary.