Anerley Gazette, April 2021

Spring Bloomers!
The first edition of the new Gazette was inspired by 2021 being the 140th anniversary of the Anerley Bicycle club. But I have just remembered another, perhaps more important anniversary. The year 2000 Millennium, it being the first millennium anniversary in the life time of Anerley B.C. And we won’t be around in 979 years time to celebrate the next Millennium!
So with Spring Time now upon us, perhaps it might be a good idea to reintroduce an idea for some Club rides from an Anerley Gazette article from the year 2000 – The Bluebell Rides!
Highways and Byways
The month of April celebrates our English patron saint – St George the Dragon Slayer. Unlike our other UK nationals, the Irish, Scots and Welsh, we English do not tend to be great flag wavers. The only time that we normally see the English flag is when our national team plays football! However I am always reminded each year of St. Georges Day, because there is a village in Surrey, that is always adorned with a mass display of our national flags during the month of April. It also has a very interesting history, so read on!
Click on the link or flag below to tackle this month’s map reading challenge.

Looking For a Different Coffee/Tea Stop?
For a year now we have been restricted to take-aways only, due to the Covid restrictions. During these past winter months it has become ever more difficult to think of somewhere different to go to. Just before the latest lockdown started in December, one of my favourite take-aways (two actually!) were at Godstone Green. These provided a nice location about three quarters of the way round a circular route out and into south Surrey.
Now with Spring already here and the promise of some warm sunny days, Godstone Green still offers a great place to sit outside with a coffee to admire the view!

Quarantine and Infectious Diseases

This has little to do with cycling, except it provides some background as why you did not get a holiday abroad last year, and possibly not this year either. Also, why foreign travel has historically, not been such a good idea!
Alternative Rides – East London

The lockdown created a great chance to explore outside of our normal range Surrey, Kent and East Sussex so I decided to try different routes around London. The Grand Union Canal to Southall, Regents Canal, the Lee Valley Canal and the Colne Valley River route. My favourite was around East London.
Anerley Gossip!

We thought that the Anerley Gazette should include news and gossip about interesting things that our Club members are doing, planning to do, or have done. So to get the wheels in motion, I doubt that any one will be doing anything as adventurous this year, as Jo Smith and Denise, accompanied by Sally and Tim. So this is the start of their story, as told by Jo.
Message from Dave T
After a difficult few months Dave T has been in touch from his hospital bed at St Georges:
“Sorry for not replying earlier but today is the first day I’ve been able or had the desire to use my phone. Very difficult for to coordinate hands and feet as no energy at all.
On aa very gradual road to recovery. Hope to see you before end of summer Best wishes Dave T”
A Covid Update from Captain Mark Hancock
Current club ride rules are as follows:
- All ride leaders need to use the Ride Register.
- If you are leading at the start you need to make note of who you are riding with.
- We need to make it known when we stop that we all wash our hands at a venue before & after eating.
- We all need to have a mask, no mask no ride.Maximum group size including the leader is 8.
- No official Anerley ride is to be ridden unless it is on the register, It is there for a reason use it.
- Most of us have had a least one shot of the vaccine lets all enjoy group riding again but please make sure we stick to the basic guidelines.
This month’s edition was mainly produced by Des Donohoe with a bit of technical help from Tom Vaz.
We would welcome any articles for consideration for the April Gazette.