Gazette Articles

Volunteers Lead the Way

Where would we all be without the volunteers who have lead us through this Crisis?

Belinda, known to us as Matron, spent much of her spare time jabbing people with the Covid vaccine in Croydon. In an unprecedented programme, over 24 million people have received their first COVID-19 vaccine reported up to Sunday, 14 March 2021.

An enormous thanks must go to the NHS and people like Belinda who have volunteered to administer doses instead of watching Netflix with the rest of us.

Vince retired from his job many years ago. Since then he has volunteered in many areas but during this lockdown, Vince has designed our Ride Register which helped the club to control the numbers on club rides, keeping us legal. He also volunteered to help the NHS as a Responder and spends a lot of hours talking to people on the phone. Thyere are apparently a lot of lonely and frightened people out there.

If all that wasn’t enough, Vince has even managed to find time to restore people’s bikes – helping our Treasurer George to restore his old commuting bike and restoring other bikes at Wallington Cycles.