The Long Haul – Covid 19 is Back!
We thought was all over. We have all been jabbed multiple times, depending on our age groups, but it is back with a vengeance! Nearly all of my family – sons, daughters, grandsons and daughters and in-laws have recently had it. Many, now for the second time. Fortunately my wife and self have so far avoided this highly contagious disease. So what do we now know or need to learn about it?

I had assumed that the main reason that I have so far been Covid free, was because as a regular cyclist I was very fit and healthy. Well that does not appear to be the case. Who could be fitter than Chris Froome – perhaps our most successful Team Sky and Tour de France winner?

Well it now transpires, that not only did Froomie catch Covid, but so did many Tour de France riders and other top racing cyclists. But worse than that – Froomie and others have suffered Long Covid and are still not fully recovered. See Chris Froome’s account at:

But more important for us is – what do we need to know about Long Covid
I wish I could answer that, but even the medical experts do not know the answers. According to the article that I have just read (the link to it follows below), there is no test for it. No common symptoms to pin point Long Covid. Many assumed sufferers show negative to Covid tests. Etc, etc. It appears that Long Covid is diagnosed when all other possibilities are ruled out. All that can be said with certainty, is that Long Covid is not a figment of the imagination, but very real. It is something that we should be aware of, because the best advice is to rest. Exercise such as cycling, is likely to make it worse.
If you have any of the various, potential symptoms, don’t carry on exercising – rest and see if any of the more obvious symptoms go, or remain. So to find out more, and what symptoms to be aware of click here