The Anerley Gazette – December 2023

Well it’s that time of year again!
An opportunity to look back at things that we have done this year and in times past. But more important, New Year Resolutions and plans for what we want to do and achieve in the coming year.
Now that winter is here, a reminder of sun lit mountains and beaches – Tom V leads an Anerley, summer cycle tour in Spain –

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Last Year’s Biggest Resolution Was Realised. Part 1 of with Tim and Sally’s epic Great Divide here –

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Winter evenings provide lots of time to research and plan for next summer’s bike tours. Des looks back at planning that went into Tom V’s 2016 suggestion of a tour down the Danube via Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. Start here!

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Get out and Enjoy the Winter Weather!
Warren encourages us to get off the couch –

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Something Different! The First Winter Hike, Nov 23

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Bike Winter Care – Some good and timely seasonal advice from Vince.
What to check is detailed here:

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It’s not just the bikes that need attention. See what the recommendations are for your age decade.

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And more science and research – Don’t become a coach potato – Keep exercising during the winter!
After just two weeks of having one leg put in a cast, people lost a tremendous amount in all measures of physical fitness, strength and muscle size in the immobilized leg. After six weeks of pedaling a bicycle for rehabilitation, they still did not regain all of the strength that they had lost (Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, June 2015;47(6)).
Another study showed that a person loses significant strength after stopping exercise for just four days (Exp Gerontol, (2013); 48: 154–161).
And : Rehabilitation After Prolonged Inactivity
Healthy people who had been immobilized for two weeks were started on a program in which they pedaled a bicycle 3-4 times a week for six weeks. They regained some, but not all, of the muscle size and strength that they lost (J of Rehab Med, June 26, 2015).
See the full report here:
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New Year Resolutions. Some of you have already decided what your Challenge is for 2024.
Find out more here –

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And a Happy Christmas and a Successful New Year!