Safer Cycling No. 4
Road safety is something that is very important – especially to cyclists – because we are the most vulnerable of road users. Unlike pedestrians, we spend most of our travel time on the road – not the pavement!
It is, and has been something that concerns me. Hence I have in recent times started to put a few things about safer cycling into the Gazette. This is my 4th such item.
But I am not the only Club member concerned about road safety and bringing it to your attention. Martin Bates has put on Anerley Chat, some video footage of dangerous behaviour by vehicle drivers, taken by him on his bike rides. And Vince has put some photos of similar stupid and dangerous overtakes. The classic being this one! A white van man squeezing in between one of a group of our club members on one side, and a car, head on, on the other!

The e-magazine, Road C.C in particular has been running an awareness campaign for some time. This item was videoed 4 years ago, in the early days of their campaign, and now the number runs into many hundreds!!! This item is worth reading, if only because it high lights the problems in the London area, which are 5 times worse than anywhere else in the UK.
And I would suggest that you all read the e-item which follows below at the end if this write up, and for which I have provided the web link. It is not just one item but, one of many – very many!
Yes, it is a long item but do take the time to read it. – The near misses, etc, reported, are but a small fragment of a nation wide problem, of which we should – no must – be aware of.
We all need to actively raise, and actively practise, road safety awareness. See some of the many incidents recorded on video, police action/ lack of action, and you will become a much safer and smarter bike rider!
So now click and learn!
And if you follow the many links to the related items featured in this main item, you will begin to realise how much needs to be done. And more importantly, why we need pay much more attention to learning how to be wiser and safer cyclists. In future “Safer Cycling” items we will be showing some useful tips which could save your life!