Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd

The March Hares remind me that it will soon be Spring and at last some warm weather. But for how long are the Covid restrictions going to continue? One of the old Anerley, summer activities, might be just the answer for us having to ride in Covid pairs.
The question that I asked on our Whatsapp group was “What was the wording carved into the mile stone?”
But the answers came back so quickly (within less than an hour!) that no one had actually found it, but just googled the answer. All cheats!
Before the days of Sat Nav, to be a real cyclist, you had to own the local Bartholomew’s map and be able to use it. Whilst the fast men would go Time Trialling on Sundays, the old geezers went out on Map Reading Competitions. They still did when I joined the Anerley B.C.
So why might this activity of the past be just the thing for now?
Well competitors went off in teams of 2 at 5 minute intervals – a perfect fit for our Covid pairs. You get the opportunity to wave to other club members, even if you can’t stop and chat! Also, you get out to explore our wonderful countryside. Plus, as well as exercising your legs, you are exercising your brain. Great for old geezers like me to delay the onset of dementia! My memory can’t be too bad, because I still remembered this item in an Anerley Gazette from some years ago, which I have adapted for you, today. The challenge then, was to find 6 or more coal tax posts.
See Cycling Our Highways and Byways
But don’t be like Denise and leave your specs in the loo – maps are very small print!