
Tuesday Ride: 18th December 2018

Amazingly, after days of heavy rain, the forecast improved for our annual Festive run so we had a good turnout of 26 assorted elves, Santas and Bah Humbugs lead by our Chief Elf – TomTom Moody. The start was chaotic as we headed off towards Redhill Aerodrome. We climbed up Old Lodge Lane to Kenley Aerodrome where I called ahead to the Pilots Hub and was told “No thank you, we can’t cater for such a large group at short notice” so the destination was changed to Priory Farm.

We travelled on through Caterham-on-the-Hill and then down towards Bletchingley where plans came unstuck. Chief Elf TomTom disappeared over the ridge with Frank and another couple of riders. So I took the plunge and lead the rest of the club to their well-deserved cuppa and cake – I didn’t really deserve the cake having ridden sweat free on my beloved, electrified Brompton. The staff at Priory Farm made us very welcome (you can’t leave your bikes there!) but they plugged me in for a much appreciated battery top up.

Two club records today – Tom V for the first official ride with electric and TomTom who broke my record in losing 21 people on a club ride!


Dark forces in Redhill about to embark on a recce over Gatwick (see Thursday’s Ride):