< 65km2018GPXRides

Thursday Ride: 20th December 2018


Here we are arriving on the Thursday Ride to Christmas Lunch. A beautiful flat sprint to The Star at Lingfield where photographer Vince captured our appetites.

It was the day nearby Gatwick was closed by ‘drones’. A cover the government were using for what was clearly an alien invasion. Here you see their glowing sphere obliterating John E’s brain. Well his left antler …

And here you see it consuming our turkey whilst we unawarely watch the camera. This, of course is why the army and airforce couldn’t see it. The aliens were only visible to the right sort of cameraphone:

Here we see it entering Mark’s new moble stealing his contacts and Instagram account so fast – Cambridge Analytica would be proud of them.

Christmas Lunch enjoyed, the bill settled (in pennies by Tom V) Vince captures young Belinda’s sliding standards:

On the way home – less than a mile down the road – Belinda asked “how many cyclists does it take to put a chain back on the chainwheel?”:

32.31 miles @ 12.46 mph. Not bad considering how full our stomachs were.