
Sunday Ride: 16th September 2012

Two new riders, two big hills and one big race

We welcomed Kristian and Tacey on a cool but dry outing to Surrey. We picked up a third ‘nearly new’ Andy at Chipstead Valley for a ride that took us passed Epsom Racecourse to Squires Garden Centre in Stoke D’Abernon for tea. Kristian is the man behind the Croydon Cycling Campaign’s website croydoncyclists.org.uk. Tacey bakes bread.

No this is not Andy in bike thieving mode – but Stuart the kind Manager at Squires who freed Ewa’s bike from a lock that had its combinations in a muddle …

And onward to our lunchtime pub stop at East Clandon via Ockham. Due to the distance it had more B roads then leafy lanes. A blue sign declaring a 50km drinks stop gave away what we were to encounter later.

The Queen’s Arms was packed inside. The ride had been warming but sitting outside was decidely cool – especially to those more used to the southern sun kissed wine growing slopes of Canonbury …

Reeling from the posh Surrey pricing of £4.65 for a pint and a packet of crisps we were joined by more and more cyclists. indeed more and more people in cars, on Ducattis and on foot. For, fortuitously, at 1.30pm the Tour of Britain was scheduled to turn at the junction just 100 yards up the road from the pub. We were on time but the these racing folk were late. We got colder …

Meanwhile others had resorted to Grandstanding …

Hot Fuzzie Sweeties were handed out to the under age …

At last the four leaders swept into sight …

A minute later the pelaton arrived (Mark Cavendish is in there somewhere) …

Turned left and swept up Staple Lane …

The Anerley didn’t put a foot wrong …

Nevertheless our Captain decided a double punishment for daring to enjoy an elongated stop. We followed the ToB up Ranmore Common. Andy decidely faster and more relaxed then his first outing on the old hybrid. If that was not enough the fast descent was followed by a potter up Box Hill to admire the re-appearance of speed bumps and disappearance of the Olympic Rings. Tea and Ice Cream was taken and the correct colour of valve caps was argued. Hence back down Chipstead Valley for a tad over 50 miles on the day.

Thanks to Yiannis for the track.

PS A day of two Brits. Mark Cavendish won this, the last stage. Jonathan Tiernan-Locke won the Tour.

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