< 65km2019GPXRides

Sunday Ride: 13th January 2019


Bocketts Farm was the destination. First hazard of the ride was an unexpected interruption by a gentleman who didn’t want us to go through Kingswood Warren. See here for that story: https://anerleybc.org/an-encounter-of-the-wrong-kind/

Through Walton-on-the-Hill to Headley and our second hazard: Slough Lane, the narrow cut through to Little Switzerland. Road Closed it said. Of late road contractors have been getting more skilled at making sure nothing gets through. They nearly succeed here too but left a little chink to the right of the barrier. A quick squeeze with the bike in the air and we were through.

From there an unevenful ride to Bockett’s Farm. It’s a pity the cake doesn’t live up to the size and decor of the place but at least it was quiet. The car park wasn’t. Everybody who jhad a kid near Dorking was heading for the kiddie’s farm. Probably more profitable than a real farm. Here we all are:

The return weas pretty much the same route. Back down the hill from the Farm was the third inrteruption of the ride. Mark had picked up a frontal flat from an errant flint. Here being fixed on the Mickleham by-pass cycle path:

No more excitement even on a return, this time uninterrupted through Kingswood. 34.28 miles @ 11.49 mph