Spring is Here – Time to get ready for ACTION!
First a message from our Director Sportive, Mark Hancock!

Come on Anerley BC!
Learn to ride safely in groups and hone your legs for the upcoming London Ride.
Book your place now for the Track Session. Its May 17th 10am to 11.30am at Herne Hill, South London – cost is £20 and includes Track Bikes & Helmets. You need your own pedals, gloves, long sleeve top.
For riders cycling there, we will leave Shurgard at 8.30am. Lunch after the session will be at Dulwich Park with free coffee or Tea.
And watch the video (after the advert!) of our last Herne Hill session here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cej_v2WP3Bw
Sunday 29th May – Ride London 100, 60 & 30 and the woman’s race.
This is already over subscribed, so unless you have already got a place booked and registered, you are out of luck. But do not despair! Alternatives that we can all have a go at, are already being planned. See other items in this Gazette!!!
London Free Cycle – Sunday 29 May – Ride Marshalls wanted!
Anerley BC are supporting LCC by providing group Ride Marshall’s for the 12 mile feeder ride from Croydon to London & back for the fun ride (not the race)
The anticipated group size may well be 70+. Would you please be a Marshall & help.
Training / guidance will be provided.
And there is more below in this month’s Gazette, about Ride Marshalls. So please do check out the request from Vince, for which he says a big Thank You, and asks you to contact him direct.