
Resolution Logged!

“Any 2013 Resolutions?” enquired Andy on the New Year’s Day Ride.
“Yep, to make some!” I replied defensively.

2012 had been a great cycling year for me. Gone further, gone faster, gone to Scotland, France and Wales … it would be a hard act to equal. Possibly the pinnacle of my short club riding career.

Yet already the details of that epic year have become a little hazy. And if I was going to be a prisoner of Des’s deeply depressing decline of death at least I ought to at least measure and fight it.

I had some adventures in mind. Possibly to cycle to Copenhagen on my Brommie, mess about in Normandy, do Belgium? But that depends on other people. The bottom line is to make a mileage target and then find pleasant ways to execute it.

Last year’s mileage was a victim of the haze. I’m guessing around 3,500 miles. So 4,000 this year albeit a bit more relaxed sounds like a good challenge. Maybe including a 50 miler and a 100k in the winter months and a 100k and a 100 miler in the summer months. And maybe beat my all time record of 130 miles?

How to record, how to motivate myself? Well being an unoriginal person I had noted many people I know use Its FREE!

So I registered, put in the New Year’s Ride and you get a whizzo selection of stats and stuff. You can even get a widget you can stick on your blog or website to show off or show yourself up. Here’s mine:

Anybody else using one? Anybody got any great resolutions to share or adventures needing company? I’d love to hear and there is a comment box below …

3 thoughts on “Resolution Logged!

  • A great idea Stuart,
    Now need to think up some useful and realistic targets for my 2013 cycling year.
    Perhaps at my age, top priority will be to make it into 2014!

  • Since my last post (last post, that sounds ominous!) I have joined you on I have also started a Group log so that other Anerley riders can join us. After today’s Sunday ride I note that my bike computer on my Muddy Fox now shows a total mileage of 24, 848. So my first resolution must be to make it to 25, 000 before year end, bearing in mind that I also ride other bikes which mileage is not included in the computer mileage.

  • mark hancock.

    My resolutions were to get down to 12 stone from 13 and to cycle more than 3,000 miles,first one I’m down to the second one I’m on 2,750miles already.


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