One Goes Mad in Dorset!
And that one is me and I may be questioning my sanity when I set off for a 4 day bike ride from London to Dorset and back at the start of October! I am doing this to try to raise much needed funds for two charities that provide free tax advice for people on low incomes who need professional advice – but can’t afford to pay for it. TaxAid and Tax Help for Older People.
Tax can be incredibly complex and for most people, can be confusing, stressful and something that they just want to go away! This is especially the case if you:
· suffer from mental illness
· live with a disability, blindness or are terminally ill
· have a severe learning disability or limited literacy
· are in abusive employment or domestic situations
· have recently experienced bereavement
· are homeless with alcohol or drug addictions
· are a prisoner or ex-offender
And you may be thinking “why do we need charities to help – surely HMRC/the system should be doing that?” (which is a fair challenge). My take is that you could say the same about many of our mainstream charities – why do we need cancer, heart, dementia charities – surely the NHS should be doing that? Many charities are there to fill the gaps, and these are two great ones.
Please visit my fundraising page to find out more and, hopefully, make a donation to support me in what is going to be a tough challenge.
A big thank you to those who have already donated.
Brian Chapman