E- bikes
Have you ever considered going electric? Or perhaps you might be considering it. Electric bikes have developed considerably in recent years. There is now a bewildering range and variety to choose from. E-bikes are not cheap and if you make the wrong choice it could be an expensive mistake!
Having said that, from being an e-bike sceptic, I am now nearly a convert.

There are a number of e-bikes appearing on our club rides and the more I see and learn about them, the more interested I have become. For me and others in our Club, the primary reasons are painful joints – knee, hip and back pain.
Unfortunately, with each passing year we are all getting older. So you might like to know some statistics from Arthritis Research UK which reports the following:
The prevalence of osteoarthritis in England
Key messages
• Approximately 1 in 5 adults over 45 years in England have osteoarthritis of the knee and 1 in 9 adults have osteoarthritis of the hip.
• Painful osteoarthritis can be prevented through tackling known risk factors such as obesity and lack of physical inactivity.
Physical activity is one of the most important recommendations. Fortunately for us, the most highly recommended activity is – cycling – because it is low impact, unlike running which is high impact each time the foot hits the ground.
If you want to read a more informative and detailed summary of how to avoid, or cope with arthritis, without having to have surgery this is well worth reading. See https://www.drmirkin.com/health/joints/knee-pain-treat-with-lifestyle-changes.htmlis
But for those of us whose arthritis has progressed to a higher level of pain/discomfort, then going electric is a very sensible solution. It allows you keep active and doing what you most enjoy – cycling! That makes good sense to me!
So why did I say that I am only “nearly a convert”?
Well there is nothing that I can find against the use of e-bike ( except, perhaps the cost!). My problem is in deciding what the ideal bike is for me! There are so many important factors to decide upon before shelling out hard cash, that I am still in the research stage. Making the wrong choice, or choices, could be an expensive mistake! These which I have ringed in red are the most important factors to decide on – and get right!

So if, like me you are interested in e-bikes and want to know more, see the separate item in this Gazette.