Club Gazette Winter 2010
![]() Issue No.4 December 2010After a bit of surgery, the Editor HAPPY CHRISTMAS FROM THE EDITOR AND STAFF EDITORIAL MOVING ON As we approach our 130th anniversary (2011) – the five years since our last celebration merit some sort of review – not least progress on the technology front – improvements in bicycle design and materials and the growth of information via our web site, on the “cogs” that mesh and keep the club running – the Tully Family have been very active behind the scenes – Vicky Tully setting up our first web site before hanging up her racing wheels and handing over the site to brother Richard, who has been our web master for over 5 years, as well as club champion on the racing scene Jan Tully always turning out to marshal or support our racing events at Crystal Palace and Broadbridge Heath and of course Bryn Tully – our open 50 promoter, racing and reporting secy., delegate to S.C.C.U. as well as its auditor – a post which keeps the club’s links to this historic formation – whilst Bryn’s winning his age group in the S.P.O.C.O. Championship must be his crowning glory. There have been losses – Geraldine Glowinski has joined the family “firm”, the V .C. Londra with the rest of the family in that club – good wishes to the V,C,L, and its attempts to save Herne Hill Velodrome – remember it’s with the Anerley Geraldine started her cycling career and long may it go on – Good Luck and Best Wishes.
At Godstone Vifiage Hall rear of White Hart, Godstone
Sat. 12th Feb. 2011 @6.30 for 7.p.m. cost £20 Going Dutch – 2010 “I’m off to The Hague tomorrow”, I told the crowd at work, and the immediate assumption seemed to be that I was off to a War Crimes trial in some undefined capacity. But no such excitement, just visiting friends and seeing the first couple of stages of the 2010 Tour de France. For a long weekend, cycling there and using either ferry or train seemed a lot of work, so Easyjet stepped in at £98. The start was the Saturday 8.9km prologue, an individual time trial, in Rotterdam city centre, not far away, so the bikes beckoned. As his wife and daughters, all under ten (not the wife) weren’t enthusiasts, it was a hard core of two that took to the road that Saturday, he looking normal, I adopting my regular commuting-by-train guise of gentleman rouleur with knees socks, plus-twos and tweed cap. I probably looked like an idiot, but being on holiday in the nether regions, you can do as you please, and we were heading, we hoped, for a coveted position to view the riders. The recommendation of the guy in the local de Rossem bike shop I visited on the Friday night (open until 9pm there) was Erasmusbrug, which is a bridge, as we’d see them in both directions. But plans never quite work out, and scouring the map in search of an observation point that no-one else knew about, I noticed that halfway around was a People Village. Surely an odd 80’s band, something to do with the WMCA? Disappointingly it wasn’t a gig by past their sell-by date warblers, just a sort of glorified food and toilet stop. Maybe it was the WMCA after all. Much of the route was around part of the port area, along the quays, over the bridges and back again. All looked fairly jolly with so many people, tents, bikes and vehicles but on a winter’s day, quite bleak I suspect. The prologue, drawn vaguely in random order, I assumed to ensure no team has too many riders out simultaneously, didn’t start until 4-15pm, which meant it didn’t end until almost 8pm, perhaps it was to make a full day’s carnival out of it all. The People Village had three days of morning-to-night live DJs, TV screenings and famous acts from all corners of the Netherlands, including the winner of their X-Factor. As usual, the entire event is a monumental piece of organisation, with the route hemmed-in by toilets, bars, food stalls, VIP areas (rather a lot of these) first aid and so on. We ended up at about the halfway point on the Willembrug, the weather wasn’t too good, not windy but raining from mid-afternoon and with about 8 right-angled corners to negotiate. But the riders seemed to cope and I heard of no falls. The top guys were kept until the end, as in all entertainment. Contador last, looking very fluid, before him, Petacci wiping his nose, Armstrong’s teeth and protruding jaw were all I could see of his face, Sastre, the Schelcks……. To be honest they all look pretty similar in this kind of situation. Then our own minor time trial, back the way we came, to the outskirts of The Hague. A cyclist’s work is never done and nor was there a rest day for spectators. Sunday saw us up and preparing for Rotterdam 2, The Return. An official start of 1220 this time, with I think a 1415 start on Monday. Maybe it’s my memory, but I thought the TdF was a morning-to-afternoon event, not an evening one. The caravan leaves 2 hours ahead of the riders, the usual amazing mix of commercial floats, journalists, sponsors, police, riders and some that I’m never quite sure about. A neutralised pace for the first few miles, with the real start on our old friend the Erasmusbrug, followed by a right turn to Brussels, 223.5km away. An interesting route, out to the coast and across several islands connected by bridges, then inland to Belgium. We all drove to the outskirts of Antwerp, which I discovered wasn’t in Holland, Benelux geography never being a strong point of mine, or even an interest. Once over the invisible border, there is a subtle difference in the landscape, it seemed a little more normal, less man-against-nature. They speak the same awful-sounding language, but it’s called Flemish. We’d missed the caravan, but standing outside a Macdonald’s gave us a pretty good view of the pack. When we saw them, at about 70km to go, there was a 3-man breakaway, with a lead of maybe a minute, which of course didn’t last. And that was it, 20 minutes after the last vehicle, it was as though it had never happened. We sat outside Macdonald’s, his kids ate happy meals and clearly had much more interest in the free Shrek dolls. Some might say it’s a poor swap, days of travel for a few seconds of the peloton, but that’s hobbies, not always logical. We thought, as we do every year, what a great job it would be to follow the event as part of the caravan until Paris, or even hire a mobile home and tail it. Anyone on for a 3-week ABC holiday in 2011? And finally, with the coincidence of his 65th birthday, Belgian stages and his frames being used by Quick Step, Eddy Merckx was all over the cycling TV. He looks in good shape too, weight quite a bit down from a few years ago. There appear to be fewer overweight people there than in Britain. Maybe because cycling is part and parcel of life, with people of every age using bikes for journeys they would not attempt in Britain. The cycling infrastructure seems completely integrated into transport planning and town architecture, often with a cycle lane almost as wide as the car lane and train line beside it. And so ended a long weekend in the Netherlands. And the War Crimes business? nothing doing, but possibly guilty of offences against journalism and good taste. © Eamonn Croke – 15/9/2010 (pictures from David Hemblow Holidays)
RACING ROUND-UP As I sit here, recovering from the steamy heat of my Tour of Southern India (I took Jan and left the bike at home) it is difficult to recall the gentle summer weather as the snow builds up against the front door. Anyway here goes with the results of the second half of the season. Richard Tulley
So Richard has had a very encouraging season partly due to the input of his coach, Paul Mill, but also because he has been largely injury free. So what about Bryn? Well, all in all, I am quite pleased with my results, my time for 25 miles in the Leo C C event was my fastest since 2000 and furthermore I won my age group in the Spoco Competition, something I. have been attempting for several years. Bryn Tulley
Lastly I am encouraged that there is another Time Trialist — Eamonn has dipped his toes into the water and we hope that he will continue next year. Eamonn Croke
Finally I would like to thank you all for your support and patience throughout the year and wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and TROUBLE FREE CYCLING in 2011 THE WAY FORWARD
In the autumn of 2009 I decided that if my cycling was going to improve I would need serious help. At the time I had been attending the Crystal Palace Sports Injury Centre who were trying to correct a long standing weakness in my lower back, caused by an incompetent car driver. It was here that I met Paul Mill, a former elite road cyclist, International Triathiete and successful Time Trialist who was now developing his coaching career. He convinced me that if! was prepared to follow his advice then I could raise my performance to higher levels. We therefore got together in November and agreed what my goals were and a programme of events for 2010. He also adjusted my riding position on the bike to achieve a balance between the most aerodynamic position along with a comfortable riding set up. Throughout the winter we, Paul, me and five or six riders of varying ages and abilities went out most Saturdays and Sundays for steady tides in Kent and Surrey. By the end of February a three day training weekend was organised. The Friday was cold and snowing so we reduced the ride to 2.5 hours using the main roads. Saturday was still cold but at least dry and we practiced team riding for a road race. Starting at Geoffrey Butlers in South Croydon, down to Reigate. on to Dorking and back over Box Hill. Finally on Sunday we had an endurance ride. Again starting at Geoffrey Butlers, again in the cold with snow flurries we set off with food and drink down the A23 for Brighton. That took three hours, then across to Newhaven and back to East Grinstead, Godstone and home in six hours! It was very satisfying and no stops. apart from the call of nature. Next, having done my winter preparation, it was tune to test my fitness. At Paul’s base at Crystal Palace Sports Injury Centre I set up my time trial bike on the turbo trainer which was connected to a computer. In front of me was a large screen with a virtual road disappearing into the distance and a print out along the bottom of data – time, speed, heart rate and electrical output. I was able to select my own gears and to warm up I cycled for five minutes producing 100 watts. Then I increased my output by twenty five watts every minute so by ten minutes into the session I was producing 225 watts. I was now instructed to ride for twenty minutes, as if I was doing a 10 mile Time Trial with the idea that I would steadily increase my output to peak at the end (and not run out of steam beforehand). All went well. My output reached 410 watts and a maximum heart rate of 190 bpm. Very satisfactory and then a fifteen minute warm down. Weekend training rides continued and then in May, six of us set off for Rimini and a seven day Training camp. It was very exciting. The Hotel catered for athletes, especially cyclists, with special menus, local guides, a workshop and facilities to store or hire a bike. Most days we met the guide at 9 o’clock and would Once back at the hotel we would cool off in the pool and have a large buffet lunch, then rest and chat for the rest of the afternoon. On one afternoon however we rode out to watch the riders in the Giro Tour go through and the Sky Team were in the lead! So that was my preparation over, now it was down to me to produce the goods. Richard THE PICOS RIDERS RETURN AFTER RIDE FOR CANCER
A good turnout of 17 members enjoyed Jeremy’s hospitality at the AGM on 7 November. The only significant change to the Officers was the appointment of Stuart Grove as the new Webmaster, taking over from Richard Tully’s 5 years good service. Please let Stuart have some new photos for the website. Jim Medway reported on the healthy state of the Club’s finances with a surplus of £158.82 this year making a balance held of £1,624. One new member, Ricky Mak, was welcomed into the fold but the overall number of members may have dropped going by the subs. received. Unpaid subs. remain a problem and the system of reminders and suspension is being tightened up. Members are reminded that the due date is 1 April. Meike reported that the Club Dinner would be at 6.30 for 7.00 on Saturday 12 February 2011 at Godstone Village Hall at a cost of £20. The new Gazette format was generally welcomed and, as you will see, is being retained. There was some welcome enthusiasm and volunteers to try out some new ventures next year. It is hoped to stage special club runs on the first Sunday of July, August and September involving venues further afield using trains part-way. Suggestions welcomed. In addition, it is hoped to hold a charity ride to celebrate the Club’s 130th anniversary next year. It is also hoped to arrange the occasional exchange club run with club(s) in other parts of London. Members were reminded of the need to keep to the left especially on narrow roads and to ride in single file following a “car-up” call; also to look carefully before turning right. Finally, it was agreed that in view of the Club’s limited involvement in racing the Anerley would not promote the 50 mile time trial after 2011 As this would be the last occasion members were urged to give a good turn out to help. However, in order to retain a link with the Club’s illustrious racing past, it was agreed to continue with the marshalling at one of the Crystal Palace Criteriums. JOHN DADSON – HON. SECY. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Well not so much letters more the result of e-mails to our web master who forwarded the requests to the Archivist (Des) or myself to answer, as the items concerned were subjects I (the editor) had researched for Gazette articles, herewith are the details: The first request concerned Montague Calder (Capt. 1913-1917). I had an enquiry about his death in WW1 from an author, writing about the Battle of Bullecourt. (The gentleman had visited a local museum there and had copies of our gazette article I wrote in 2007 and had sent to the curator there). I replied that I couldn’t add either detail or artefacts other than a copy of Calder’s service record. The second request was about a trophy G.A. Olley won twice – The Cardwardine Cup. Again my research into Olley came up with some information for the lady concerned and we gained details and photo of these two generous sponsors to the Anerley in our heyday on Crystal Palace Cycle Track (Velodrome) as was! From John Jackson V P A B C for Club Archivist Attach: Cephas & Harry Carwardine.jpg Cawardine cup piece 1901.jpg Thank you so much for your items on the Carwardine cup. I am very grateful. I shall continue to follow this one up. The item in the Club notes strengthens the possibility that the picture we have of Cephas and Harry Carwardine with a cup could be the replacement cup. as the note says this was smaller, the photo dates from before 1904 when Harry (the younger man) died but this is compatible with your intormation I attach the photo for your interest. I.e also attached a picture taken from the newspaper website which shows the tandem pacer bike used by G Olley in case you haven’t seen it. With thanks and best wishes, Mary Gregory RUNS LIST This is a slightly edited online version of our regular printed newsletter. If you would like to contribute please contact the Gazette Editor John “Jack” Jackson BEM on 020 8689 0195. And many thanks to Jack for his continued perserverence in extracting articles, photographs and cuttings for our delectation. |