Club AGM: 24th November 2019

Thank you Secretary Fran for so quickly producing this summary of last Sunday’s AGM.
- All officers returned to their places, except for Paul W who has taken over the role of social secretary.
- A rule amendment was made – each member of Anerley BC is responsible for getting their third-party insurance. They must have this to ride with the club. As a club we are affiliated to cycling UK, and members can get a discounted rate on Insurance if they mention they are a member of Anerley BC.
- We are considering joining British Cycling, although no firm decision has been made yet, this is to be discussed further in a future meeting.
- The club are considering getting a second supplier for club kit, based in Brixton. They will also buy examples of club kit for members to examine the sizes and determine which is best for them. This can be done at various meetings held throughout the year. It was agreed that the club would start stocking Gillets for members to examine, and progress to other club kit if it seemed sensible.
- It was agreed that there should be a Ladies Cup for 10 miles and one for 25 miles, to have some parity with the men’s awards. Meike will buy the 25-mile trophy and it will be named the John Turnball trophy. The club will buy the 10-mile trophy and it will be named the John Jackson trophy.
- There is an alternative ride to the Pru 100, called the Rebel 100. Ten Anerley members can participate if they are fast enough. Mark H has details.
- Social events: Christmas dinner at the Toby carvery on Tuesday 17th December at midday. Christmas party at Belinda’s house, 21st December, 8pm bring a bottle and plate. Address tbc in the Bugle at a later date
- Bike maintenance – Meike offered up her garage and John’s tools to facilitate bike maintenance sessions. It was discussed that 4 or 5 members could attend with Des and/or Vince leading the sessions and Meike supplying tea and coffee. Des and Vince to discuss this and inform members via the Bugle.
- Ride leaders should let Stuart know if a ride will be going off road so that it can be advertised in the Bugle.
- Tina offered to do another first aid trauma class if there were at least 8 people.
Tuesday rides report: click here
Saturday ride report: click here
Racing report: click here
Treasurers report: click here
Webmaster report: click here
Captain’s Report
My first year as club captain has been very eventful we lost two long serving members this year,first Bryn Tully who was racing secretary before me & also kept the club colours active in local time trials along with his son Richard,his passing was a big shock to club members who knew him. Then a few weeks later we said goodbye to john Turnbull. Both very sad days for the club,but they bought the club together with many members ,past & present chatting about how both men had enlivened there lives with many stories passed around the one about Bryn & the Hells angels was hilarious.
When I took over from Tom V as club captain I had a few new ideas on how the club could evolve in the future.These were not always popular! There was a problem with riding standards as we all know riders had varying abilities. These we have in the main addressed via two track days where riders learnt better bike control & group riding you have to talk to each on track to stop gaps opening & when overtaking this was not happening enough on club runs Talk to each when overtaking or getting dropped off the back.With the help of the Tuesday run leaders we have addressed the imbalance of riding groups & split the groups into various speeds,this needed to be done for the good of all concerned,we now stop a lot less at junctions waiting for riders.
We have learnt from Tuesdays & have now set up a similar group riding pattern for Sundays.The Thursday group is ticking along nicely with varying numbers. One thing with have been doing is using a rolling paceline with all riders taking a turn on the front with all riders using the same signals when changing positions this way everyone gets to learn the lead roll & the backstop roll .I would like a steady ride set up for Thursdays too but need at least two leaders to organise this it may also take pressure of the Tuesday groups.
We did have a lack of run leaders & this is being addressed with Sue,Sally,Tim,Bob G,vGeorge,vFran,vJulia & Denise leading when they can. One of the changes I made was to have just one stop on Sundays which means we ride a bit further to lunch in summer or have a late breakfast in winter.We also started to ride a bit further into Kent in the summer. I added a few new venues this year with the New inn Send a nice pub by the canal, the pub with no beer the local hunt had drunk them dry the day before the Bell in Smarden food was great so we will return next summer, The Boathouse at west Moseley & fat boy slims cafe at Hove Lagoon.I have a few new venues to try next summer too.
We have tried to address rider safety with ride leaders taking riders mobile details at the start of the run & trying to keep contact with lost riders via what’s app rider update.One thing we all need to do is carry your mobile & if you have a smart phone join the Anerley what’s app groups.Riders now carry ID with next of kin contact details if you at present do not do this please carry some.With the help of Tina about 20 of us recently attended an emergency first aid course which went well & will benefit all of us in the event of a problem. I would like a few more riders to try a time trail next year or join us in a local sportive Vivienne will be keeping riders up to Date with the up coming sportives via the website & Facebook. Having looked at George’s list we now have 80 members so the club has really grown over the last 4 years.With the new practices in place we should be able to cope with the varying numbers & abilitys.So let’s all support each other both on the road & off we are one family & look forward to a great new year for Anerley Bicycle Club.
Saturday Rides Report
After low key beginnings a couple of years ago The Saturdays has now become a fully-fledged and increasingly popular club ride with anything between six and a dozen or more riders each weekend. All are welcome and we’ve seen many members try us and return for more.
There are still a couple of urban myths to dispel.
1). Some believe us to be mostly Off road.
Actually we go off road about once every couple of months. All other rides are on road.
Off road rides are publicised well in advance and have proved popular with 15 riders turning out on one ride in early summer.
2) Others have thought it is a fast ride.
Far from it we are about the pace of a Tuesday steady ride. We are particularly strict that no one gets dropped.
This is easily assured as the ride leader is usually the slowest.
Stuart has now introduced his Saturday slingshot which offers a longer ride heading onward after the tea stop while others head home.
Ride distances are 50 to 60 miles in the summer and up to 40 miles in winter months. Stuart’s slingshot heads toward the ton.
Off road is generally 25 miles or so and for those who have yet to try it we have some amazing cross country routes for you to discover.
Many thanks to Roger and Karen for stepping in to lead on several occasions.
Also thanks to all who have taken part in the Freeride London event marshalling. We have now led this for three years raising £1,200 for disadvantaged Childrens’ charities.
deserves special mention in despatches for organising and leading a
huge group of 80 or so riders from Croydon.
The Sutton
route was more manageable with 30 riders along the picturesque Wandle
We’ll be looking for volunteer Marshalls next July.
It’s a rewarding way to give something back to cycling and raising
money for deserving causes.
And finally, thinking ahead to 2020, here is our wish list.
club riders to try out a Saturday ride, we’re a sociable bunch and
it would be good to see you.
When the forecast is rubbish for Sunday but sunny on Saturday give us a go. - 2 or 3, train assist, summer away days. Stuart has a 100 miler through the Lee Valley to Cambridge planned
- A couple of long off road rides possibly along the South Downs also with some train assist.
Pete S
Tuesday Rides Report
This is a summary of the Tuesday Rides from December 2018 to November 2019. Since July 2017 I have been producing the Tuesday Rides programme every month. Over the last year this has changed significantly. In 2018 we were still running two rides on a Tuesday, one at 09:30 and one at 10:00. The Tuesday rides have been the most popular rides in the club for some time, but the popularity started to become a problem when sometimes as many as 30 riders turned up in total for the two rides, often with 20 plus at 10:00. This led to rides being split into two parts, with the two parts trying to stay within sight of each other, but this was not always working well, and eventually, in May 2019 we decided to run three rides every Tuesday. This has been a great success. It has been made possible because of the support we have had from people willing to step up and lead the existing and additional rides.
As far as I can see, we only failed to get a leader in advance of the ride on one occasion. The programme shows that the following people have led, this may not be 100% correct due to one or two last minute changes, cancellations etc, sometimes while I was on holiday, but should be fairly representative. Let me know if anyone hasn’t been credited with leading when they did. A few rides were cancelled due to very bad weather forecasts. Some destinations were changed on the day due to bad weather etc, and on some occasions the three rides didn’t all go to the same location. Many others helped out on the rides by acting as back markers, waiting at turns and assisting with mechanicals etc. Thank you to everyone who helped to make our most popular rides successful.
Recorded Tuesday ride leaders Dec 2018 – November 2019, includes all types of rides
Tom V 31
Des D 24
Peter R 24
Tim S 13
John D 9
Sue Di 6
Bob G 4
George L 4
Sally S 3
Stuart G 3
Fran S 1
Barrie F 1
John Di 1
Again, according to the records, we went to the following destinations. There will undoubtedly be some differences in reality, as sometimes rides were cut short, cafes were closed etc: (The number of times we went is shown in brackets unless we went just once)
Horne GC (4), Stoke D’Abernon (4), Denbies (3), Lullingstone CP (3), Biggin Hill (3), Edenbridge Minstrel Café (2), Knockholt Coolings GC (2), Tan House (2), Henfold (2), Knole (2), Priory Park Reigate, Bockett’s Fm, Mickleham Arms, High Elms GC, Chartwell, Oxted Morrisons, Redhill Aerodrome, Hildenborough, Holwood Fm Keston, Snowhill GC, Greenwich, Forest Row, Abinger Hammer tea rooms, Charlwood, New House Farm.
I think the following were new venues for the club: Sevenoaks Wetland Centre, Ruby’s Café Capel,
The following are due next week: Polesden Lacey, Coffee Active Ashtead (was Bike Beans).
If there are any errors let me know and I will try to correct them.
Peter R
Racing Secretary’s Report
February 20th: Tim S rode the Wye Wednesday Audax over 130 miles in 9 hours 30 minutes ave speed 13.7mph.
March 5th: we had are track meet at Herne Hill we had 22 riders take part.
March 9th: Tim was in action again this time it was the Kennet valley Audax over 127 miles in 10 hours 46 minutes ave speed 11.8 miles.
March 31st: Tim rode London to Oxford & back 124 miles in 7 hours 58 minutes ave speed 15.6 mph
April 6th: the club came out in force for the Kingston Phoenix 10 mile time trail,Fran S in her first tt did 32 minutes 51 seconds, Mark H 30 minutes 57 seconds, Barrie F 27 minutes 42 seconds, Ajay H 27 minutes 28 seconds,& Tim S 27 minutes flat.
April 14th: Barrie rode the southern counties 25 mile tt in 1 hour 18 minutes 50 seconds. Vivienne & Mark H rode the New forest spring sportive over 67 rolling miles, Vivienne did 4 hours 34 minutes ave speed 14.5 mph. Mark H did 4 hours 10 minutes ave speed 15.7mph.
April 27th: Tim was in action again riding the Oasts & coasts Audax over a 191 mile route he did 13 hours 27 minutes ave speed 14.2 mph. All Tim’s rides include stops.
April 28th: Barrie the vtta 10 mile time trail in 27 minutes 19 seconds could he beat tims 10 mile time ?
May 4th: Barrie rides the Sussex c.a 10 mile tt in 26 minutes 56 seconds beating Tim’s time by 4 seconds.
May 5th: Barrie was inaction the next day over 25 miles this time riding the Sussex c.a event in 1 hour 18 minutes 58 seconds.
May 11th: Mark H was in action in the Redmon 10 mile tt doing 28 minutes 53 seconds
May 12th: Barrie rode the Sydenham wheelers 10 mile tt in 26 minutes 22 seconds getting faster all the time.
May 18th: Barrie & Mark ride the southern counties 10 mile tt, Mark does 30 minutes 2 seconds, Barrie does 27 minutes 6 seconds.
May 19th: Fran rides a very hilly 25 mile time trail brave lady i stayed in bed,she did 1 hour 33 minutes in the Addiscombe event. Also on the 19th Belinda comes out to play riding the Mayflyer sportive over 56 miles in 3 hours 48 minutes ave speed 14.7 mph this is the ladys fastest 50 mile plus ride.
May 27th: Barrie rides the Brighton Mitre 10 mile tt in 26 minutes 4 seconds can he go under 26 minutes ?.
June 2nd: a big day for the club my main target of the year the isle of mull sportive over a hilly 87 miles first two hours into a headwind & heavy rain but the sun comes out & the wind changes direction for the last few hours I did 6 hours 30 minutes ave speed 13.5 mph & 75 th out of 140 riders.Down In cambridge Vivienne rides the tour of cambridge over 103 miles in 6 hours 33 minutes ave speed 15.7 mph,a bit further south Belinda rides the Woking sportive over 85 miles in 6 hours 17 minutes ave speed 13.34 mph,& finally Barrie rides the southern counties 50 mile tt in 2 hours 29 minutes 12 seconds just over 20 mph ave.
June 9th: Barrie rides the Lewes Wanderers 30 mile event in 1 hour 24 minutes 4 seconds.Also out was Belinda riding the King of the downs sportive over 54 miles she did 4 hours 7 minutes ave speed 12.84mph.
June 15th: Barrie rides the sussex c.a 15 mile tt in 41 minutes 48 seconds.
June 16th: London to Brighton bike ride Vivienne is first lady over the line in 4 hours 12 minutes 32 seconds ave speed 14.3 mph for the 60 miles. June 22nd: Barrie is out again riding the Alton cc 10 on fast Hampshire roads doing his fastest 10 of the year in 25 minutes 19 seconds. Again Barrie is out on Hampshire roads riding the Farnham road club 25 mile tt he does 1 hour 5 minutes 48 seconds for the clubs fastest 25 of the season . July 6th: Barrie rides the Crawley wheelers 10 mile tt in 25 minutes 56 seconds.
July 13th: Barrie rides the Brighton excelsior cc 10 mile tt in 26 minutes 18 seconds.
July 14th: Barrie rides the Brighton excelsior 25 mile tt in 1hour 8 minutes 6 seconds.
July 28th: Barrie rides the Sussex c.a 30 mile event in 1 hour 25 minutes 41 seconds.
August 3rd: Barrie rides the south eastern road club 10 mile tt in 26 minutes 28 seconds.
August 4th: The Prudential 100 we have three riders on the line Ajay comes home in 5 hours 43 minutes for the clubs fastest mens time,Vivienne comes home in 5 hours 53 minutes 42 seconds for the clubs fastest lady of the year,& Belinda comes home with 6 hours 51 minutes.Mean while on hilly southern roads. Mark H rides the rebel 101 over 99.5 miles crossing the Prudential course twice riding with four Ashtead riders we do 6 hours 30 minutes.
August 18th: Barrie is in Kent for the San Fairy Ann 10 mile event doing the ride in25 minutes 44 seconds.
August 24th: Mark H joins Barrie after having cleat issues since june at the Sussex c.a 10 mile hilly a hard technical course in sussex Barrie does 29 minutes 51 seconds with Mark coming home with 31 minutes 56 seconds.
September 1st: Barrie rides the southern counties 25 mile tt in 1 hour 16 minutes 13 seconds he had a chain problem on this day.
September 8th: Barrie rode the Eastbourne rovers 25 mile tt in 1 hour 10 minutes 24 seconds.
September 22nd: Barrie rode the V.T.T.A 25 mile tt in 1 hour 8 minutes 45 seconds. Finally the last time trail of the season the Lewes Wanderers two up tt, Mark H joins Barrie to ride this with Barrie the lead rider & Mark shouting easy or faster,mainly easy we catch a team for four minutes & finish In 51 minutes 46 seconds.Three minutes faster than last year.
Barrie won V.T.T.A medals at 10,15,25,30,& 50 miles as while as having the clubs best times for 10,25,& 50 miles.
Ajay has the clubs fastest 100 mile time for men.
Fran has done very well in her first season being best lady over 10 & 25 miles.
Belinda is fastest lady over 50 miles plus for the mayflyer event.
Vivienne is fastest lady over 100 miles for the Prudential 100.
Club riders have ridden in over 50 events this year not bad for a touring club,a very good effort by all who rode ,let’s keep it up I hope to see a few new faces on the line next year in tt,or sportives there are a few of us who can give advice with training & racing so just ask well done all.
Mark H
Treasurer’s Report

George L
Webmaster’s Report
The Bugle
- Weekly readership grown from 133 last year to 149. More than 66% of which are read.
- Anybody, not just members, can subscribe. Please encourage new riders to subscribe using the website.
- I have culled some recent suspicious subscribers (mainly from China).
- Thanks to everyone (you know who you are) who contribute items and ideas. More please!
- Tom V edits when I’m away but we need another deputy who can continue if I disappear under the proverbial bus
The Website
- Around 15,000 visits per month but most are ‘bots’
- NEW: GPX routes are easier to find. Seperatate menu item and split into 3 categories
- Needs updating. Need someone to take a fresh look at it
We had a complaint from an ex-member over their personal details being on the website and in The Bugle. I did what I considered reasonable to remove any identifying material. This satisfied the ICO but not the complainant.
I must emphasise that any names that appear in both are ‘munged’ – hence Stuart G & TomTom – so we know who we are but outsiders cannot identify us. This is not just to conform to the law but for your own security (you don’t want the world to know your home is empty ‘cos you are on tour!).
Personal email addresses should also not appear either. And if you don’t want your face picture on either please turn away …
Last Year I Wrote : The Future: Two Major Issues
Cohesion & Integration:
The good news is we now have other distribution outlets for news and discussion – notably Facebook. We need more cross-fertilisation between distribution outlets so no one is missing out if their preferred main platform is The Bugle, The Website (& Chat) or Facebook. We haven’t even managed to get a link from the Website or Bugle to Facebook.
I’m banned by Facebook so I can’t do it. Do we have a FB expert who can help?
We have had a written record of the club going back over 100 years. An invaluable source of information to us all through our historians. We need to keep that going and pass stewardship of all the above to our younger members. If you know WordPress you are fully qualified. If you can use Word you are nearly there. Can we elect a deputy now?
I have to report, no progress.
Stuart G