
Bike Maintenance Sessions

At this week’s AGM it was agreed that the club would shortly start to do some basic bike maintenance/servicing classes for members. We are very fortunate in having Vince who is not only an experienced and qualified bike mechanic, but also an experienced tutor on these subjects.
The purpose of these classes is to give hands on experience by doing jobs under supervision. Hence classes will normally be for 4 trainees per session – first come first served, but repeat sessions if oversubscribed.

Winter is a good time of year to fettle your bikes. Winter rain and soon, corrosive salt, will be added to the gloop attacking your bike. The most hard used and exposed bit is the chain. Does your’s look like this?

If so, the first lesson will be about chains – cleaning, oiling, checking for wear, useful tools and how to use them. For example this chain wear checker takes the guess work out of when to replace your chain .

Vince will be unable to start the training sessions until circa Feb/March. In the mean time, so that Vince can put a suitable programme together he has asked:

“If you want to attend the training classes, please email Vince on: anerley1881@gmail.com
Also, it would be helpful if you could indicate anything in particular you would like to learn. Then a series of different topics can be covered over the weeks.
For example, some will like to learn how to mend a puncture, get the tyre on/off, on the road. Others, how to adjust noisy gears, or ones that do not change properly.
If your chain breaks on a bike ride (and they do!), how do you fix it?
Just some ideas. What else would you like to learn about?”

Disc brakes are something relatively new on bikes, and for us brought up on rim brakes and brake blocks, I would appreciate the “How To” on disc systems. So over to you Vince, and thank you for taking the trouble to set the wheels in motion. And in particular for offering to spend your time in educating us in how to keep our bikes in good working order.
If you readers want to take up this offer, email Vince and he will contact you directly.
