Anerley AGM Gazette November 2023
The Main Points from the AGM, for those who did not attend
1. A Club Time Trial
We have a lot to live up to. The pair of Anerley B.C members below, were World Record holders on this Olympia Tandem Trike in 1890!

The most important item at this years AGM, was that our Race Secretary, Mark Hancock, had a resounding thumbs up from the Club Committee and attending members, to organise a 10 mile TT to be held on Saturday afternoon, 11th May 2024.
This is a major undertaking which requires a significant amount of support from you members on an ongoing basis to organise it – and and on the day – a good sized team of members to compete in the Time Trial.
All members will have received an e-mail from Club Captain Peter Roberts, with more information about this, and what is required from us as Club members.
There is already a small nucleus of competitive members, but this needs to be expanded on the day of our May TT! See Mark’s 2023 Racing Report (below) about the “Few” who entered Sportives this year.
Fortunately for the rest of us, our TT is only a distance of 10 miles and only takes approx 30 minutes. If you think you are too old, or too unfit – I entered my very first TT on the same course as our upcoming TT, back in 2001. Then, I was 61 years of age and my only bike, which I raced for several years, was a mountain bike. I still finished in 32mins:48 secs.
I add for the benefit of our Lady members, that our current member, Geraldine Glowinski finished the same race in 31:55. Plus there were another 5 Anerley TT-ers – including Mark Hancock!
So now over to Mark’s details of the latest racing achievements –

2. I.D Cards
Some years back it was agreed that it was very sensible to always carry some form of identification in case of an accident or a serious health issue. Whilst, fortunately very rare on our rides/races, etc, they do happen.
Tom Vaz produced for us an I.D card with such important data as – next of kin details, blood group, allergies, etc.
Since then we have had many new members, and no doubt there will have been changes to the card data. Have you moved house, telephone number, become allergic to Mc D Quarter Pounders, etc?
Tom V relates the situation as of now:
Although at the AGM we agreed that ID bracelets are a great idea, the cost is prohibitive for the club to fund them for every member. So if members prefer this option, they are encouraged to get their own. In the meantime, ALL new members should be issued with a FREE, self-completed ID card, – Treasurer George Leung has these if you require one.
Failing that, members should at least ensure that they have their emergency contacts (ICE) setup on their phone. These are specific to each type of phone. Here is a simple, clear video that explains how to do that for Android and iPhones.
3. First Aid Training

We were very lucky to have a highly qualified Club member (Tina, an Emergency Ambulance crew member) who ran training courses for us. As a Club Ride Leader I felt that it was very important to do the course, so that in the event, I would know what to do – e.g. Action to control the situation – (road traffic, contact emergency services if wise, and of course know what First Aid was necessary and best suited to the perceived injuries/health issue).
Ideally we should have refresher practises. I know that I would now have to think first, rather than spring into immediate, informed action.
Also, with our Club TT coming up, it is a requirement to have a qualified First Aider. I am not aware that we have such a member in our Club? Fortunately Mark’s wife was/is, a nurse and has volunteered to fill that important requirement.
However – what about our Course Marshalls?
In the event of an accident or other emergency that they might see or become aware of if near by, would you know what to do?
It is recommended that ALL Ride Leaders should be First Aid trained. We are looking for contacts within the club initially, to carry out a session like Tina did a few years ago. If you know of someone suitably qualified, please get in touch with Club Captain Peter Roberts.
So something for us to consider and be actioned.
4. Anerley Away Days – A Great Adventure for 2024
Earlier this year Denise our Touring Secretary organised a most successful 5 day stay in Snowdonia. The accommodation was in a fabulous, rather upmarket, hostel style, which could accommodate up to 30 guests in a large number of rooms with plenty of single beds.
Below is the Londryll Outdoors Centre set in Snowdonia’s beautiful scenery.

This turned out to be great for us as we were a party of only 20, and Denise managed to get exclusive use of the place, which had all the facilities needed to make it an enjoyable and comfortable stay. Including an excellent outdoor BBQ area, where Anerley’s Master Chef prepared a feast,

A variety of long and short rides were arranged each day, to suit all abilities, including a day on the Isle of Anglesey, led by Club Captain Peter.

And plenty of gruelling hills in Snowdonia’s famed mountains!

And not forgetting the many Welsh lakes, this one with the sword of the legendary King Arthur

But now the important bit!
Denise would like to know if you would like a return visit to Snowdonia this coming summer of 2024? And how many, and who? Denise will need to find out what dates are available and book early, before others book before us.
Denise will let us know as soon as she gets advised of the available dates. So if you are interested, let Denise know – ASAP!
5. Activities.

Although our membership has now increased to 100, the activities of Anerley B.C, except for a few minimal exceptions, is just our weekly Club Rides. We used to do several other, Club group activities every year – for example – there were Club Map Reading Team competitions; Audax Rides; and more Club, long weekend summer Anerley Away Days. All of these are not difficult to organise.
Since the rejuvenation of the Anerley Gazette, there have been a number of articles intended to encourage us to start organising such events. One such success was that we have entered teams in the Southern Saunter.
Another, was a big Club entry to the Reading C.C’s, Kennet Valley Audax – a long and a short option. Most of us did the short option.
We are missing out on a lot of interesting and enjoyable activities. I will again try to generate a bit of interest via future Gazette articles. So please do show your interest and support by an email to and/or
6. Club Cycling Kit – Jerseys, etc.

This subject came up, and Vince who is now in charge of orders and supply has this to say: George deals with the money side, whilst I carry out the admin.
In the summer I emailed ALL club members, together with a follow up, that I was ordering Jersey’s.
Only 7 members ordered a Jersey (one member ordering two).
I have ordered 12 Jersey’s to keep 4 as spare.
Jersey Supplier Akuma
Have changed their ordering schedule.
A minimum of 10 Jersey’s must be ordered at a time.
Only Short Sleeve Jersey’s are available.
Jersey Prices
The cost of the last supply was £65 per Jersey, but as agreed at an earlier AGM, this price was subsidised out of Club funds – reducing the price to Club members to only £40.
The supplier’s price could alter at the time of the next purchase.
Gilets / Pants
Have not been available for a number of years.
Des – Hope this helps, Vince