Bluebell Bike Rides

I have always tried to get the timing right for an annual Bluebell Cycle Ride. Bluebells usually bloom in April so this is the best time to see their iconic blue carpet. The flowers only last for a few weeks, but the timing and for how long depends on the weather.
Going up Beddlestead Lane recently, on Sunday 2 April, there were masses of bluebell plants in the bordering woods, but not any sign that they are yet ready to bloom. However, with a bit of sunshine and warmer weather that will quickly change. Bluebells do not thrive in all woodland, their natural habitat is ancient woodlands – those dating back over hundreds of years. I am sure that our regular ride leaders will on past rides, have seen places where bluebells thrive. If not the most well known place is Staffhurst Wood.
The wood is very popular with visitors so be mindful that as many of the paths are designated footpaths, to keep the peace do bear that in mind! However if you read the detailed leaflet (above) it explains where designated bridleways can be found within the wood, and wider vehicle trackways which are equally useful for cyclists. And see the map at the last page of the leaflet which shows the many paths and tracks.
I mentioned above, about getting the timing right. Some times it can be a case of – if you do not at first succeed, try, try, again.

For the story of our eventual success back in 2021 before Covid struck, see