Anerley Ladies Tour de Mallorca
Well it only took 2 years to happen thanks to the obvious, but on 25th April we were finally on our way for a week’s cycling in the sun. And very sunny it was too!
Here are the reflections of our week from some of our group. A few people have asked me for details of the trip so feel free to message me and I’ll fill you in.
Denise, Jo S, Sally, Sandy, Jenny, Gerri, Marilyn, Jo R, Maggie (Bristol) & Tina (Northumberland).

Little did I know what treat was in store for me when I signed up at the end of February, to join the Anerley Girls Bike trip to Mallorca….
Eight fabulous days of fun, laughter and cycling under beautiful blue skies in Mediterranean sunshine & warmth. In an instant gone were the three quarter length cycling shorts and long sleeved tops and on with the summer gear!

Relaxed times sharing coffee stops & meals together, friendship & laughter being the most popular ingredient.

On one occasion we had the ‘joy’ of a complete stranger. Yes, Scottish Ian, latched onto us & joined our table for lunch in Sa Pobla having shared a few words with Maggie as we parked our bikes against a tree. A lunch with a difference indeed! Ironically he chose not to order anything but was more than happy to finish off our leftovers!

Having accomplished Sa Calobra‘s 6 mile decent before the climb back up, on day two, what better than to ride through the picturesque villages enjoying the country lanes, shared with many a peloton of fit young men in both directions! This is definitely cyclist’s paradise!

Always time though to stop and snap a couple of pics be it in a colourful poppy field

Or Denise reaching over a wall to scrump a couple of oranges on her training ride with Jo. Yes, we have the evidence!

There is of course the saga of the excess baggage dilemma at Palma airport on the way back (their scales are wrong as we went out with the same stuff!) but I’m sure someone else has mentioned this!
A huge thanks to Denise for her amazing organisation skills which meant that everything ran like clockwork and of course to all the ladies in the group for such great company!
Ten of us set off on our cycling holiday, we often cycle together at Anerley, except now Tina has moved up North and Maggie to the South West, so it was wonderful to all get together again, our aim was to have fun and ride our bikes – but Strictly no time for dancing with Brendan Cole !!

We were there to conquer two iconic climbs, Sa Calobra and and the famous 13 mile climb to Cap du Formentor lighthouse and back.

We cycled through the prettiest of villages, all welcoming cyclists, the scenery was just beautiful with fields of poppies and wild orchids
We took our cycling fairly seriously although at times some of us re-lived some of our childhood antics, I wonder who?

A truly amazing week, we’ve all come home with wonderful memories and all thinking, where to in 2023?
The gin was bought at duty free, lemons fresh off the tree, what more could a girl want? Our day was made when we found ourselves checked in at the hotel into 4 ground floor rooms with interconnecting patios & sun lounger’s. There was lots of laughter and fun in the evenings after dinner when we shared the patio space and enjoyed the G&T’s. So it’s not all about the cycling!

We’re lucky to have a great group of friends in the Anerley who can have fun on and off the bikes.

Bring on next years trip !
+ + + + + + + + + +
And if that is not enough, just a few short items for May.
I’m nominating this ride because it has more stats than one of Vince’s spreadsheets.
CHIDDINGSTONE, Tulip cafe 17 May:
Weather, hottest day of the year
Riders, 11 (start)
Overseas riders, 1 (hello Moria)
Non attender’s, 1
Retired, 2 (medical reasons)
Mechanicals, 1 (chain off)
Lost riders, 2 (didn’t listen to instructions)
Involuntary dismount, 1 (no injuries)
Finished, 6
Happy days and they even met another group on the hill into Godstone on the way back
LONDON RIDE 100, 29 May
A big thank you to Vince for organising an Anerley contingency to marshal the Croydon group of social riders up to London to enjoy the Free Cycle event. There’s over 80 registered riders in the group so the Marshalls will have their hands full. Hopefully photos will follow in next months Gazette.
A big thank you to Tom Vaz for sharing his garden with us for the Anerley Jubilee Garden Party and for Jo Riffat’s organisational skills. We all had a great time and many calories were consumed by all.
Our Club photographer took some great snaps, including something odd, very odd, at the celebration. So to keep up the party spirit, some Titles wanted please!
Send to or WhatsApp!
All suggestions published in next months gossip

And that’s it for this month,