
Sunday Ride: 3rd August 2014

Anerley BC @ Henfold Lakes

Eight of us were led up Coulsdon’s South Col for the sole purpose of racing a squad car down Reigate Hill. Otherwise an uneventful ride to Henfold Lakes noted for its lack of marooned fire engines this time round. So we sat and waited … and waited … and waited for incoming butties. Eventually sated we discovered that none of us was admitting to being around next Sunday. A mystery leader is being sought.

Four turned for home and four turned towards The Volunteer at Sutton Abinger. One was lost for a time but was recovered from a Blackberry Bush by sub-leader Graham to dice with chess …

Anerley BC playing chess

One got a lift home leaving three to ride on. The road up to Ranmore Common was err, challenging, but we made it in style …

Anerley BC on Ranmore Common

Having already conquered three mountains on the day – why not four? We whizzed down to Westhumble and onto Box Hill. Our slow-mo interpretations of Mark Cavendish may have failed to impress the tots who were shooting up past us but we made it. Refreshed in every way it was down via Chipstead Valley for another great day’s ride. About 51 miles telephone box to telephone box.

Anerley BC @ Box Hill