And Now For Something Different!
Earlier this year on a sunny winter’s day Warren, Tom Tom and myself joined a Coal Post Walk with Croydon Ramblers. There are in excess of 20 of these posts along bridleways in and around Banstead and Walton Heaths. On that day we were passed by 3 gravel bike groups, one of which was the Addiscombe. So great potential for something challenging that we could organise and do as an Anerley Winter Hike, or next summer, as an Anerley Gravel Bike Ride.

The Croydon Ramblers walk started at Tadworth railway station, timed to fit in with the arrival time of the train from Croydon. Tom Tom and myself travelled free using our Senior Citizens Freedom travel cards, an unexpected bonus!

Coal Posts have always been useful challenges to find on map reading competitions so over the years I have seen and noted quite a few. The very first one that we came to once our walk started, I had previously pointed out to these Anerley ladies.

The next two were new to me, and the second of these was a real challenge to find, so if you fancy a map reading challenge this one can be located on our local O.S Explorer map No. 146, at map ref 228/552. You can see in the photo below, why. It is now hidden behind a garden wall and not easy to find!

After this most of the posts are easily identified, being alongside the main bridleways on the open heathland

And along firm gravel tracks, ideal for gravel bike rides

Also the odd decision to be made – “Which way now?”

Look what Tom Tom found along the main bridleway to Mogador where it meets a public, tarmac road

And most important, The Sportsman pub with indoor and outdoor seating, depending on the season and weather!

Our walk did not end there. After a lunch stop we continued the circular walk, and more coal posts, back to Tadworth for the train ride home.
We were very fortunate for that winters day. Although a cold and frosty start, it was blue sky and sunshine as you can see in the photos. There had also been a dry spell so the trackways were firm and mud free, hence the 3 gravel bike groups that came past us. During that 6 mile hike we only came across one small muddy bit, and there was plenty of space to walk/cycle around it.

So something different for us to do, and I am sure that you will enjoy. We have a huge, local area in which we can go Coal Post hunting, both on and off road in Kent and Surrey.