
Sunday Ride: 8th March 2015

Anerley BC @ Shurguard

The weather forecast was dull with rain in the afternoon. The day was brilliant and the ride even better. Eight of us set off via Marden Park and Lingfield to East Grinstead. We took a roundabout route avoiding the ‘orrible A22. There was supposed to be a crosswind but it seemed to be always behind us propelling us along effortlessly through a tremendous landscape lit up by the still low flying early spring sun.

It was so good I was already fantasising about the outdoor cafe option. Sadly the cafe was now a fishmongers and the lovely ladies and cakes were gone – but not forgotten. The chic greasy spoon almost made up for it and Jeremy rolled up having belted down the A22. We left East Grinstead along the A264 Holtye Road where, at the East Sussex border, we took a left down a tiny gated lane below …

off Holtye Road, East Grinstead

Shortly to come to an unnamed square with magnificent medieval looking buildings …

Near East Grinstead

Thirteen glorious miles later we got to the Royal Oak at Crockham. The enthusiasts shot up the hill. The others re-hydrated gently before setting off on a more relaxed route back to Hurst Green and revisiting Marden Park. Except at the pause to revel in the panaromic vistas across the M25 Thom suffered a thorn induced deflation. Three men and a tube to the rescue. About 50 miles.

Three mean and a tube