
Sunday Ride: 29th June 2014

Hidenborough & Fordcoombe.

Sunday was a day of lost and found. Three riders (Jim, Ewa and Gina) departed Shurgard on their way to Hildenborough Golf Course, but before the trio reached Botley they were down to a duo with Gina deciding (unintentionally) to add a few extra miles onto the 60 already planned for the day. Whilst the Captain was on the phone finding out where Gina had gotten to Jeremy appeared, so the duo was again a trio. The weather was perfect for a cycle and the climb up Ide Hill was too bad, although a puncture at the bottom delayed the gang of three (still no sign of Gina) slightly.

It appeared to be “rush hour” in the Golf Club cafe with at least another dozen cyclists from around Kent demanding their cuppa. The staff managed admirably with all getting their tea and cake (eventually). It was good to see Meike and John there, and guess what so was Gina!

On the way back the group bumped into another Anerley member (Graham) at the lunch stop. The Captain, still on his fitness regime headed for the hills leaving the rest to enjoy a nice cold beer! A perfect end to a nice day.