> 65 km2018GPXRides

Sunday Ride: 18th February 2018


A dozen or more of us gathered for a run west to Polesden Lacey. Tom V put in slightly devious route first eschewing the Kingswood estate for a run through the village itself for a novel crossing of the A24 and on to Tadworth. A run through Headley/Little Switzerland to West Humble and memories of the vicious climb to Ranmore Common. But no, we carried straight onto the only slightly less viscious Bagden Hill before hanging a left through the entrance to Polesden …

Tea taken we took a roundabout route through Effingham for the slow long climb up Critten Lane and lovely descent of Whitedown Lane and across the A25 where John E had a visit from the PF. By now we were shedding riders. Another ascent of Leith Hill and then down again. Ockley, recrossing the A24 finally got us to the Plough, Leigh over 40 miles in and 20 from the last stop. Our dreams of a comfortable pint were dashed as yet another of our pubs have devoted even more tables to eaters arriving by car at the expense of thirsty riders.

Outside it was again and the day was getting cooler. At least we had a vew MGs to gawp at as the locally rally club were having a meet …

Back via the A23. A mighty 53.53 miles at 12.32 mph.