
Sunday Ride: 12th March 2017

Despite the poor forecast the weather turned out to be decent enough for five hardy riders to accompany me the full 28 miles to Pooh Corner in Hartfield. This is my ride report with “interjections” from Frank.

Jim Medway, Steve Braddick, Jeremy (!!!), Frank and Maggie were the brave few…

“First serious hill was the Enterdent where I managed to keep ahead of Steve and Maggie. Lovely ride to Hartfield across the rolling hills of the Weald.”

The reward at Pooh Corner is the most sumptuous value for money elevenses in the area. Check out the mountainous slice of coffee & walnut cake that Jeremy failed to consume and Maggie’s equally generous sandwich and tea for £5.25. The scones were also huge enough to give the health conscious riders a jolt out of their smug smiles.
“Pooh Corner café and shop was a delight. Jeremy was reading  bit from the history of AA Milne at the table. Superb piglets cream tea. How Jim ate 2 scones I don’t know. Good chat until Frank got in hot water with Maggie when an overfull tea refill was brought to the table………  I got cold water from kitchen but too late. Profuse apologies from me to Maggie. We spoke about how delicious the cream tea was and Jim managed to eat 2. A couple of us had some of Maggie’s  huge cheese sandwich  dish.
I mentioned to you  Dr  Michael Mosley programme about why we like cream teas etc.

[See – The secret of why we like to eat chocolate – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-39067088 ]”

It started to drizzle as we headed home and as Jim and Jeremy took the straight, hilly road home, I lead the magnificent four to East Grinstead along the Forest Way. The background of noises whinging about mud and stones slowly faded as the foursome eventually appreciated the flat route to the railway station at East Grinstead where Maggie and Steve took their chances with Southern Rail while Frank and I manfully completed the official ride.