
Saturday Ride: 11th January 2020

It was a gloomy start to the day with rain and wind forecast but we nevertheless had a good turn out of 8 people for the short ride to Oxted which stood the best chance of us getting back before the worst of the weather. 

It was good to see Delmar back after a few months and her speed up Beddlestead Lane showed no sign of lack of training.

This was the first time for a few to step across the threshold into a “Spoons”  but Weatherspoon’s Oxted didn’t disappointed with 2 cups of tea and two poached eggs costing just £3.50. They were packed, so service took a little while and maybe the novelty plating of the poached eggs took chef a little longer.

We stepped back outside into the cold wind and rain so the unanimous decision was to head back via the quickest route. Up Flower lane and then down Marden Park at which point we started to split up and make our separate ways home.

It was good to get out but also great to get back indoors. 28 cold and windy miles