

If you would like to leave a comment, feedback or ask a question about the club or the website  – this is the place!

155 thoughts on “Comments

  • Tom Vaz

    Love the website!

    • Vince

      Very poor route selection today (unless cyclocross is your thing!) and an equally poor attitude from ride leader Dave G. Telling a prospective new member that, if they don’t like it, they know what they can do, is hardly going to create a favourable impression. Nor is saying “I’m not going to be lectured to” in response to sensible suggestions that would have easily avoided today’s problems.

      Perhaps Dave is not typical of Anerley’s membership but, if he is, it is unfortunately not a club I could recommend to anyone.

  • Steve Blackwell

    I’m thinking of moving to Anerley and just wondered if anyone regularly commutes from the area to central london by bike?

    I’ve been cycling to work from Highbury N5 for the last ten years or so and am afraid of switching to the humdrum and cost of a train commute. I’m not sure if it’s practical to cycle from Anerley to Farringdon but if anyone has experience in this area then please pass on any advice on journey time, routes, things to avoid etc.

    thank you,


    • Stuart

      I used to cycle daily from Sydenham to Euston which is about the same distance. About 40/45 minutes.

      Try Anerly to Sydenham (Thicket Road, Crystal Palace Park Road (tough!) to the top and down College Road. Straight into Dulwich Village, then take a right at the village traffic lights and pick up the cycle path that cuts through to near the Fox Inn. Then down Denmark Hill through Camberwell, Walworth Road to the Elephant. Up contraflow London Road to St Georges Circus and Blackfriars right on to Farringdon.

      Good luck!

    • Sian Charlton

      Hi Steve.
      Now it is someyears since Ilived in Kenley but when I did I used to commute to a volunteer job with the London CyclingCampaign up by London Bridge.It was about 13 miles. I either went up the main road to Streatham North where Iturned off and went over the edge of the common, down to the Stockwell road, past StockwellStation and up to the Oval, and then turned off to go past the War Museum. Overall not a bad route, not too trafficky. To Vary it I went straight up the Brighton Road, to Streatham, pastthe Bus Garage and on to Brixton, again continuing to Lambth , juyst by theOval station, then as before past the War Museum. – After that you would go to Eelephant and Castle Roundabout
      ( sheer Hell)- you need good nerves here, thoughthere are bus lanes, turning up and over Blackfriars Bridge. I usually took about an hour, nowadays it would take several, my speed and nerves are probably not up to it. Only twice had ” incidents”. , but then I rode a trike and could easily assert my place on the road If you live in Anerly easy run down to Streatham Common( it is all downhill!!)

  • mark hancock

    like the new website. I see you have quite a few new members. hope everyone i know in the club is well. I often see j turnball getting the miles in while i am busy working.

    • Stuart

      Mark: John was out last Sunday and Jack was back in the saddle after his operation to see us off from the phonebox too.

    • mark hancock

      thanks for the reply stuart,i was driving my lorry passed epsom racecourse on tues the 18th and i’m sure i saw john dadson and john turnball cycling towards once i get some fitness in my legs you may see me back on a club run one sunday.

  • mark hancock

    just watched silly cyclist on croydon cyclist website,very good videos to watch if you are new to cycling,it is amazing some of the risks people take,always remember not every lorry driver checks there mirrors before turning.if more riders watch these videos i’m sure they will save lives, injurys.

    • Stuart


      Hope to see you one Sunday. An organiser from the Croydon Cyclist Campaign has just joined the Club. He is planning to re-vamp their site so hopefully we should have more.

      BTW if you go here you will see a video of cyclists doing silly things up hills!

  • ricky

    someone left message with my wife regarding annual dinner a few days ago but she forgot to tell me and only remembered to night, and not remembered the message
    Had a look at web site and found out the date and vanue, how do i book??
    Leg still sore from fall so not riding yet.

    • Stuart

      Ricky: check your inbox.

  • Peter Albert

    Just happened on your website whilst looking for something else. Carwardines retail shop and coffee and tea rooms was indeed in Southampton Row in 1960. I know because I worked there for a short time, taking samples of tea and coffee to many of the top hotels in London. Mr Critchley was the manager, and a fine gentleman he was, in the true sense of the word. Unfortunately my tenure there was short, as my fiance decided that she had become homesick for South Wales to where we moved and married in1963, and are still very happy in 2011 living near Liverpool. My time at Carwardines was extremely happy with delightful staff.

  • mark hancock

    sorry to hear about jack he will be greatly missed by the club,always interesting to talk to,very good rider,and a great man.

  • Michael Gaze

    Hi, great site, I collect cycle history books and I would like to get a copy of “Some notes about the Anerley BC” by G A Smith published in1931. Can any one help. Regards Michael Gaze. VCC #175

    • Hi Michael,
      Re your query the booklet about the Anerley Bicycle Club by G.H.Smith.
      This was a “private” print to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the club. Hence only a small number of copies printed. The club does still hold an original of the 1931 print. In 1981, to commemorate the club’s 100 years, the original notes of G.H were reproduced, and added to with notes covering the period 1931 t0 1980. In more recent times, John Jackson, the Editor of the Anerley Gazette (our club magazine), used to get further copies of this booklet (1881 to 1980) run off for any interested new club members. Unfortunately Jack died a couple of months back so I am at present unable to say if any copies are currently available.
      Back in 2005 (the Anerley 125th) by chance we were contacted by the great grand daughter of G.H. She lives in the land of Oz but in 2005 was visiting the UK. She became the Guest of Honour at our Club Dinner. In return she regaled us with some delightful and very interesting stories about G.H, his life and cycling adventures!
      Des Donohoe of the Anerley

    • Hello again Michael,
      If your interest is in cyclists from the past, rather than just books about the history of cycling clubs, perhaps I should relate a bit more about G.H Smith, This is info gleaned from his great grand daughter when she visited our club in 2005, and throws new light onto some of his jottings about the Anerley Bicycle Club.
      In his “Notes About the Anerley Bicycle Club”, he relates an amusing story about a club night (circa early 1890s) when a member brought a then new Dunlop pneumatic tyre to show off its advantages over the then normal solid rubber. Naturally the question arose of what happened if it punctured. No problem says the clubman. He then gives a demonstration on how to fix what was essentially, a “tub”. After much time and fruitless attempts the demonstrator gave up in frustration, packed the tyre in brown paper and sent it back to Dunlop.
      What G.H does not say in his write up is that it was he who failed in the attempt to fix what was the first Anerley Bicycle Club puncture!
      Also in his Notes about the Anerley, there are references to a “member” being the first person to ride a bike in many countries around the world, Transvaal, China, Malaysia, Australia, to name but a few.
      What we now know from his great grand daughter, was that this “member” was in fact G.H. He became a much travelled world sales rep for Dunlop Tyres and these adventures was G.H on his sales trips!
      His grand daughter also had his cycling diaries for the years (I think it was) 1894 to 97, at which date he set out on his around the world sales trip. The diaries note his travels, with details of companions, weather, milage etc. These included riding in snow and ice during an Easter weekend club run (who said climate change is not happening!), an extended ride upto and around Scotland, and much more.
      With riders like G.H. no wonder the Anerley B.C became a leader in long distance cycling records!
      There is an intriguing family story (with some evidence to support it) that G.H is descended from an illegitimate son of the Prince Regent, later King George IV. In each subsequent generation, the first born son was thus named George, including of course George H. Smith!
      Hope this may be of interest
      Des Donohoe.

      • Michael Gaze

        Des, Many thanks for the replies, I am interested in all aspects of Cycle history, and your information on G.H. Smith was very enlightening. When it comes to collecting books I mainly concentrate on racing and the technical side of it, you have to draw a line some where,as there is a limit to how many books you can fit in a house before they take over. If a copy of the book becomes available could you email at :- Regards Michael.

        • Hello Michael, Just a bit of recent news. Today by chance I was given a copy of another booklet written by G.H. Smith. This book is about one of our most famous club members, S.F.Edge, who broke a number of records and won a number of top cycling events on a variety of machines. One of his early favourite bikes was the geared penny farthing, about which he claimed, “If you want a machine to go like the wind, ride up the side of houses, or down chalk pits without danger, you must buy a geared ordinary”. And to prove it he went out and won the Catford Hill Climb in 1887 on Westerham Hill!
          In 1888, he won the track national championships at 1 mile and 25 mile on a trike. This was but the start of his many and varied track records. Not least his world record over 100 miles, set in 1893 on a “safety bike”. Prior to this, in 1890, he broke the record for the London-Brighton-London ride on safety bicycle with the benefit of the then new, Dunlop pneumatic tyres. In 1892 it was London to York on a geared penny farthing, followed in 1893 by setting the world record over 100 miles on a safety bike. A prolific rider and a very successful all rounder!
          The booklet, published in 1929, is entitled “Selwyn Francis Edge – The Man and Some of the Things He Has Done”. It consists of 4 parts; the first is an over view of his life up to that time; the second part which would be of most interest to you, is entitled “Cycling Achievements” and consists of some 16 pages; next “S.F. Edge as a Motorist” (in 1897 he became an avid promoter of motor cars, competing in many national and international motor events, often in a high powered Napier); and the last part, “In Business”, details his many ventures in the world of commerce.
          Whilst I am familiar with some of his exploits, I have not yet had time to read this booklet, but it looks to be very interesting!

          • Craig Horner

            I’m just picking up this thread only now as I research Edge. I’m working backwards, trying to find out more about him as a cyclist. He became a racing driver in the early 1900s and was associated with many brands of cars until the 1920s or so. Anyway, I have a photocopy of the GH Smith book on Edge and would be happy to share this. What I’m seeking is sight of the GH Smith book on the history of Anerley BC. I wonder (Des) if in the meantime this has become available to purchase? If anyone has a copy, please do get in touch – I’m on

  • Jan Sommerfeld

    When is the Anerley dinner? I can’t seem to find any info. I need to know ‘cos we are off to Machu Pichu at the end of January and I suspect I’ll miss the dinner, which would be a great shame.

  • admin

    Yes – it is early February. I will post the date when I put up the AGM report at the end of the week. I’m in Wales and my notes are in London!

  • geoff smith

    An old (93yrs) friend of mine has just shown me a trophey his father won from your club in 1912
    it is The Palmer Tyre Ltd trophey for a 12 hour trial (he covered 209 miles)
    The trophey is hall marked siver, made by a company in Regent St
    His father ‘ s club is shown as University CC
    Their family name is Cook and his father would certainly have not gone to any University ! can you identify that club please ?
    Can you find me any more background infomation, or best of all, any pictures from that period or even that race
    Given the size / style / cost of ther trophy, I can only guess that it must have been an important event at the time

    • Hi Jeff,
      Sorry that I cannot answer any of your queries. Unfortunately two world wars have resulted in club magazines, documents etc, being lost. Or at least are not now in the clubs possession.
      One possible source of information might be the British Library Archives. If you go to you will see an item that I discovered this week. Cycling was very popular at this time 1880/1900) so race results were published in many newspapers. Do not know if this continued upto the 1914/18 war.
      I also found reference (in 1889) to a court case involving one of our very famous members, S.F Edge. This appeared to be concerning a debt relating to a tyre company of which he was a director. As a result of your request I searched for the Palmer Tyre Co. The only reference I could find was also a reference to court case in 1889, and also relating to debts. A coincidence?
      My guess is that S.F Edge was the director of the Palmer Tyre Co, and being heavily involved in cycle racing, provided the trophy to his club, the Anerley B.C.
      With the little information that you do have, you might be lucky to find a reference somewhere in the British Library Archive.
      Des of Anerley B.C

      • Barry Allen

        Hello Des
        Wondered if you would be interested in putting the french cycling holiday that I put together every year into the Anerley newsletter/website?
        You may remember I used to speak to Jacko about this on occasions and I think it has been a couple of years since it was included in your clubs activities. hope you are all well I do hear about you sometimes from Geraldine.
        regards Barry

        • Hi Barry,
          Nice to hear from you after so long. Nothing much has changed (except new faces to replace the oldies!), Sunday rides continue as before, plus we now have a weekly, shorter, Tuesday ride for the veterans.
          Yes, if you can advise of details of your French annual cycling adventure I will put an item onto our web site.
          Perhaps you might be able to make it out for one of our Sunday rides, if only to promote your French trip!

  • Nicola Watson

    Hi there – Nicola Watson here – just wanted to say a big thank you to Des, John, Ricky & Jen for a great introductory ride thsi Tuesday 19/06 to Bocketts Farm. I had a great time & you are such a lovely group. You are just what I am looking for. You are so helpful, friendly, kind & socialable. I am so lucky to have found you! Sadly I can not make next Tuesday but I am hopeful of joining you for a longer Sunday ride next weekend. Take care all of you & once again – a big thank you Nicola x 🙂

    • Hi Nicola,
      Thanks for glowing comment!
      I will get you added to the Anerley Bugle list so you should get the first e-mail at the end of the week.
      Glad you enjoyed the ride. When you say that you hope to be out on the Sunday ride next weekend, do you mean this Sunday, or the following Sunday?
      This weekend, the normal Sunday Ride leader and 3 others are away in France for a weeks cycling holiday, so someone else will have to lead decide where to go and lead the ride. Hence no destination details yet shown on the Anerley web site.
      Unless some one else decides to volunteer, I will probably take the Sunday riders out for their country jaunt. Just hope the weather stays fine!

  • Jenny Grant

    Please note my new email address as I would like to continue to receive all the biking gossip. Riding with Des last Tuesday I told him me old email had been ‘hacked’ and he had received a bogos email from my address !!

    See you next Tuesday.

    • Jenny,

      Changed. You need to confirm it by responding to the email sent to your new account.

  • Andrew

    You have a minor error on your “Rides/calendar” section ( You have Oct 5th down as Felpham. It’s Whitstable on that date.


  • Philip

    Had a great time. Thanks for all the encouragement. See you again soon!

    • Hi Steve,
      Nice to hear from you after all this time, over 30 years ago! However, maybe you are not too old to still be riding your bike. If so, you could even make it out with the Anerley again! You will of course be able to tell friends/children/grand children, that like Bradley Wiggins and other Olympic Road Racers, you have on many occasions cycled up Box Hill! And just to remind you of what it was like, see this posting
      And thanks for the bit about the print for sale. We have nothing of that date (1901), in fact very little from those early days. There are a few news items now becoming available on the Newspaper Archive at the British Library, but every little helps.
      Also glad to hear that you find our web site interesting.

  • Jim & Karen Hopkins

    I (Karen) just checked the “Anerley Bicycle Club” site again. What a treat to see that the write-up “A Call from the Wild” is still included in the History section. My husband Jim is a Grandson of O.J. Hopkins and we were able to forward some of the history of O.J. and G.L. to your club through Des. We continue to be grateful to Des for the interest he took in our family history even beyond the connection with the Bicycle Club. Your members may be interested in knowing that there is still a road sign on the highway pointing to Anerley, Saskatchewan although the town is no longer an official town. Yes, the town Anerley, Saskatchewan was named by O.J. Hopkins after the Anerley Bicycle Club in England. O.J. was the first Postmaster of Anerley – the Post Office located in his house on the homestead which is still in the Hopkins family. Thanks again, Des, you set us on an interesting journey of history! Jim & Karen Hopkins

  • mark hancock

    if anyone is interested tom brake wallingtons mp is holding a meeting about cycling in Croydon and Sutton on wedesday at 6 30 at trinity hall malden road wallington.

  • stephanie

    Hi there – recently when I was in South Africa I came across a medal belonging to one of your club members dated 1922 – an R Hawker 19th August 1922 – 12 hours 192 miles.

    It’s gold coloured with a motto ‘Palmam qui meruit ferat’

    I wonder if it is of interest to you.

    Best regards

    Stephanie McVicker

  • mark hancock

    I don’t know how many people are interested in this idea,but I have just completed a form to see if are club could get a weekend session at the new velodrome and road circuit,may be both,it seems to cost about 100 pounds for a club to hire so would need about 20 riders to cover the cost,if anyone is interested e mail me.

  • mark hancock

    seems an hour club taster session will cost 120 pounds,which will include coaching on the track,not sure yet if this covers hiring of bikes as well,but if you booked it on your own it would cost 30 pound each,so if we could get 12 riders to give it a go it will be worth the money.

  • mark hancock

    just noticed theres a ten mile trial on local roads on the 29th of march 2014,it would be nice if we could get a team together.anyone up for it please email me.

  • mark hancock.

    Ok just been emailed from Lee valley about riding the new indoor track,it’s going to be thirty pounds each,which includes bike hire,which seems ok to me.


    anyone got a good cycle route from hammmersmith bridge to little venice Camden.

  • mark hancock

    the run this morning was cancelled to late in my opinion,i rode out to the start,and met a new member dave,if I had not turned up he would have had no one to ride with,the weather was not really that bad,its not a good idea to not ride on a sunday,we as a club need to be seen out to get new members,if the weather is bad and by that I mean snowing or frosty,then the run should be cancelled the night before,anyway in the end the club run went ahead and we rode to tanhouse farm and back 44 miles in 3 hours 13 minutes.

    • Mark,

      I am very glad you and Dave had a good run. But this is just the situation we were trying to avoid where the weather was forecast to be very bad and people would not be sure if it were running or not.

      We did give you and Dave a day’s notice that a final no/no-go decision would be made around 8am in the hope the forecast would improve. It didn’t and it was pouring with rain at 8am here. So the Chat went out and the website updated. OK the forecast got it wrong but how are we to know that?

      Did you not receive the warning and check your email or the website?

  • mark hancock

    be honest stuart if its raining heavy ,people should still make some effort to ride even if its only for an hour,runs where never cancelled years ago for rain ,only snow or bad frost.i would lead next week but am leading a run from work.

  • mark hancock

    the email went out at 8.20am a lot of riders could be riding to the start by then,which is what I mean by the run should be off the night before,but should never be off just for rain.

  • mark hancock

    Thursdays club run will be lead by me and we will be going to tullys farm east will be a little longer than normal. lunch should be 12.00 and we should be back in Croydon by 15.00pm.

  • mark hancock

    just seen the forecast for Thursday,looks like rain but the run will still go ahead,but we will go to west humble train station for lunch instead.

  • mark hancock

    if anyone is interested theres a ride into London on Saturday the 17th of may leaves east Croydon train station at 9.30,run by the London cycling campaign to promote cycling in London.

  • mark hancock

    this Thursday its a long ride to tullys farm which will be a two hour ride so will not be back in Croydon until 1500 but should be warm and a nice ride.

  • mark hancock

    need someone to lead Thursday as im off to the isle of mull for a week.

  • mark hancock

    earlier start to this Thursdays run 9.30 am as we are riding further into kent,lunch at the George and dragon ightham,i believe this was a pre first world war venue for the club,round trip should be 55 miles.

  • mark hancock

    scarlett arms tomorrow walliswood 9.30 am start leaving no later than quarter too,50 mile plus ride two maybe three big climbs ranmore,leith hill,and maybe boxhill on way back.

  • mark hancock

    sorry guys I cant lead on Thursday im working,can anyone lead instead.

  • Bob Clothier

    I wonder if you can help me get some info for my father (96 and still going strong although memory not so good)?
    After (poss immediately prior…he can’t recall) WW2 he was a member of “The University Cycling Club” known as The Uni. It was based in London (probably East) and was considered one of the best?
    I’m trying to get some history for him but failing miserably. I would be extremely grateful for any advice from yourselves.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Bob Clothier

  • mark hancock

    tan house farm newigate tomorrow guys may climb Leith hill on the way if we have time.

  • mark hancock

    eva is leading this thursdays run,as im am working 9.30 start riding into kent.

  • mark hancock

    this thursdays club run will start at 10am,and we are riding to polhill garden centre so should be back in purley no later than 1500 hours, i will lead.

  • mark hancock

    does anybody want to ride out to see the tour of britain on saturday or sunday,sunday will be in london and saturday will be a long ride to ditchling and back.

  • mark hancock

    update on last comment,the saturday ride to ditchling beacon will start at 9.45am we leave at 10am,the tour is due on the beacon at 1500 hours,with a stop at turners hill we should be there by 1400 hours,myself and ricky are riding all welcome.

  • Ricky

    Mark just confirming we are meeting at 9.45am and not 9 am as previously arranged

  • mark hancock

    yes ricky ,i think we should meet at 9.30am and leave by 9.45am,see you tomorrow.

  • mark hancock

    this thursdays club run will start at 10am,we are going to the route 7 diner polhill kent,same road as polhill garden centre.

    • David Gordon

      mark cannot make it tomorrow (30th)
      Have a good ride
      David G

      • mark hancock

        ok dave no worries.

  • mark hancock

    I am going to do a tour of skye,harris,lewis and north uist in the first week of june,if anyone else in the club would like to go,please let me know,it will be a week long tour with two days camping and three or four days in a bunk house.

  • mark hancock.

    have done some more research on the western isles tour,cost will be about 450 pound each this will cover car hire from Croydon,three bunk houses on the island,ferries,and food and fuel based on four riders.first week in june 2015,day one sat drive up to syke,stay at the portree bunk house for three nights,two rides on skye of about 50 miles.tues ferry to south uist ,stay in another bunk house for three nights,wed tour of south uist and benbecula,thursday tour of north uist and beneray .Friday ferry to harris,tour of harris one night in another bunk house on harris,saturday ferry back to oban or syke drive home.who is interested in coming with me.

  • George Bruce


    Having checked my shift schedule I find that I am due back at work on Wednesday 6th June. I will be unable to join you.
    My offer of a Halfords 4 bike rack, for your trip still stands. I’ve only used it once with 3 bikes on a hatchback style car for a round trip of approx 160miles.

  • mark hancock

    sorry guys and girls the club run this morning is cancelled due to sleet and snow this morning.

  • mark hancock

    due to two cancelled runs this week im doing a Saturday run from purley instead,start time 10 am,all welcome to come along going to bike beans in Ashtead.

  • Ken Ward

    Hi all – potential new member here who would like to join you on Sunday 15th at least as far as the tea stop in Horley. Will see you at the Shurguard location at 9am and hope that the weather does not stop this ride. Cheers – Ken

  • mark hancock

    if the club are planning riding around the boxhill area this Tuesday,the zig zags are closed on that day so avoid it.

  • mark hancock

    I have now changed lunch venue tomorrow,to the tearooms at eynesford kent as the weather looks fine from 10 o’clock onwards.

  • if anyone has energy to burn, East Grinstead cycling club have started their evening time trials [10 miles]: Tuesdays at Horne golf club, £3 on the line. Tim.

  • belinda Wigmore

    Hi Mark, I am a friend of Tina and I rode out with you to chartwell one rainy Thursday. I need a ride tomorrow, is it possible to join you ? Regards Belinda. Please email me back

    • mark hancock

      hi berlinda you can come along anytime just meet at the usual place,sorry ive only just seen your message.

  • maggie parker

    Hi Stuart Jen,Ian and I have not been receiving the “chat info” about the Tuesday Rides for about 3 weeks.
    Can anyone advise or sort ?
    Thanks. Maggie

  • mark hancock

    anerley 10 mile time trail championships will be on the 12th of September at 10am,there will be cups for the winners of the mens,womens,veterans,and newcomer competions.The course is base around godstone and will be three laps.If anyone wants to ride out to the start we are leaving from the usual meeting place at 8.30am.if anybody else wants to enter we have four male riders so far please let me or any of the run leaders know so we can work out a running order for riders,we may need a pusher off as well.If anyone else is interested in having a go at racing let me know by email.

  • mark hancock

    hi all we are having a hill climb compertion on Saturday the 10th of October.first rider off will be 10am,location bedddlested lane addington,time keepers john and meike turnball,with peter time keeper at the start,there are prizes for best male and best female riders,if anyone wants to ride out from purley meet by the phone box at 8.30am.lunch in westerham after the event.hope to see lots of riders,if you want to ride let me or john or meike know,or any of the run leaders so we have some idea of numbers.

  • mark hancock

    change of lunch venue today ie Thursday due to the chance of heavy rain coming in we are now going to bike beans in Ashtead.

  • belinda

    Hi mark I am planning to ride with you tomorrow 10th Dec. Will my road bike be ok or are you planning anything off road?

  • mark hancock

    hi Belinda,sorry I missed you,i was in a and e on Tuesday with a high temperature and chest infection,so could not ride,im not leading next week either but hope dave can lead,hope you had a good ride I heard bob was leader,i may be at lunch next week but in a car.

  • mark hancock

    there is no ride tomorrow,due to myself still being ill,and it being Christmas eve.

  • mark hancock

    short ride this morning to biggin hill airport if anybody wants to join us meet at 10am.

  • mark hancock

    shorter ride on Thursday to bike beans in Ashtead,all welcome,i think it should be fairly dry now for tomorrow,round trip of 35 miles.all welcome.

  • Lee Black

    Hi There
    Just a Quick Message to say That I have recently come across an 1891 silver hallmarked Anerley BC pin badge.
    I will upload a photo if you are interested?
    Kind regards

  • Hi,

    The Garwood Foundation, a local charity to Croydon working with disabled people, is looking for enthusiastic people to take on the Prudential Ride.

    I have looked on your web site to find an address where I could send the flyer but have not found anything.

    Is it at all possible to send you a flyer please? Do you have a newsletter for your members this could go in?

    To find out more about our charity:

    I would be very grateful if you could help us raising much needed funds for our charity.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We also welcome visitors and provide them with tours (if booked in).

    Kind regards,

    Karin Schnabel

  • Stephen Jefferys

    I am interested to learn about a past member called D Kirby. He would have been a member in the 1930’s and 40’s. He owned two cycle shop’s in the Anerly area at the time and probably onto the 50’s He was awarded a number of medals for his cycle exploits.

  • Hi there, those who know me, know I ride a steel framed bike, I am looking to buy a Croydon made frame, an Allin would be nice, or other frames made by Cliff Schubb for Geoffrey Butler, a Chas Roberts pre 1987, in fact all frames made in Croydon pre 1987 so I can enter to the Eroica events! If anyone knows any one selling please let me know!
    regards John

    • mark hancock

      hi john eden sorry but the price of the tour of the new forest has gone up,due to a rider pulling out ,the price is now 175 pounds each,if you have paid already can you send the rest of the money,we may still get one more rider so you could get money back,do you have an email,so I can add you to my list.the good news nobody has to sleep on a sofa bed.

    • Joff Cooke

      Hi John, sorry to jump into the thread from nowhere. You don’t know me as I am only just seeking out this club and browsing the pages. The reason? am the grandson of AJ Cooke, one of your notable past members, and I am just reviewing all the possessions of my father who died just 18 months ago. I have come across lots of Anerley BC memorabilia and so thought I would see if you guys were still going. Great to see you are! Anyway, to the chase – I have 4 Allin bikes, from 1950s to 1982 in my garage which belonged to my father and I was just about to put on eBay. I know my father would love it if they went to Anerley club members rather than me just sticking them on eBay so if you might be interested in purchasing one then please get in touch and I will hold off on listing them. My email is I also have a shed load (literally!) of vintage bike bits in case you were in need of any vintage parts at all – lots of Chater Lea, vintage campag etc. Anyway, great to see such an historics clubto lively and true to its routes.

      • Meike Turnbull

        Morning Joff,

        Sorry to only reply now but have just found your comment. If there is any memorabilia you do not want could we have it please for the club archivist to put into the records. I may actually be too late and someone else has contacted you already if so please ignore this.

  • mark hancock

    as you know john I have a 21 and a half inch cliff schubb built Geoffrey butler in the shed,the last one he built for them do you want to come an have a look.

  • Thanks for the offer Mark, I have a 21 and a half Claud Butler 531st touring bike I pulled out of a skip, I have just ordered 2 days ago a Nitto stem 225mm height, because its so small, so thanks again Mark but I will keep looking! ideally a 23inch frame would be good but I would look at a 22 and a half or 23 and a half, I should have stated this before, but forgot!

  • mark hancock

    hi john have you sent any money to the farm yet,its now 175 pounds each.

  • Hi Mark I have sent £150, about to send the £25

    • mark hancock

      ok john that’s good I think we have one more coming if so he can put 150 quid in the food kitty.

  • Steve Braddick

    Hi did anyone go on the ride today – 4 of us rocked up at the phone box at 9 this morning and found out that the ride had gone off at 8am but there was nothing on the web site. Any ideas why this was, please? Thanks very much. Steve

  • David Birchmore

    Is there a ride tomorrow thursday 16 june ,thanks

    • Yes, to Bike Beans @ Ashtead. Back in time for the England kickoff @ 2pm

  • Sian Charlton

    Hi to John Eden. I have an Allin which I bought new at the Croydon Shop. It is a metallic type blue frame. Size is 22 or 23 not sure. It is made up as a bike, but will seperate if interested. I bough tit shortly after I joined theAnerley so definitely before 1987. Nothing wrong with it and I suppose done no more that about 2,000 miles, Because I usually ride trike seem to havelost my confidence on two wheels. If you are interested contact me on bp.topa|

    Sian Charlton

  • John Eden

    Hi Sian, I have tried emailing but it failed!
    Yes I would be very interested in looking at your bike, I am free most times to view it!
    regards John Eden

  • mark hancock

    I’m leading a ride tomorrow to the chequers at heaverham,meet usual place in purley 9.30am.

  • mark hancock

    hi guys and girls I cannot lead the Saturday ride today,so ive asked peter skinner to lead 10am at usual meeting point.

  • mark hancock

    can I remind people the Thursday ride is a faster ride,ie more than 13 mph ave so if riders want to ride you need to be fit enough to keep up,if however you feel you can’t ave this kind of speed look at the Tuesday ride to improve you fitness first.

  • mark hancock

    we now have a new facebook page,if any members would like to join,its under Anerley bc,any upcoming events will go on the site like sportives and time trails,also any interesting cycling related you tube videos,ie cycling weekly,gcn,and others,anybody can post on the site once they have joined.

  • mark hancock

    hi all ive decided not to ride the time trail this afternoon due to heavy rain moving in this afternoon.

  • David Gordon

    Thursday ride 13th Oct – Pilgrims Way to Pond Cafe via some lumps!

    • John Eden

      Where is the Pond cafe, I could not find it on google maps. I might be a bit late on Thursday, so if I miss the start I will make my own way to the cafe stop!

      • mark hancock

        hi john its in otford,level with the pond.

  • John Eden

    Could some one give me Brian Penny’s phone number, I tried emailing but have not received a reply! If like me you ordered a Anerley long sleeve winter top check it, because the dates on the shoulders have been reversed so it reads 8118.

    • mark hancock

      try message him on facebook,go on the facebook page find his photo click on it and then message him,he does read it after a while.

    • Peter Roberts

      Just checked my short sleeved short zip jersey and the numbers are correct on that, received recently so probably ordered at the same time. Don’t worry though John, you only have to wait another 6102 years until the year is current!

    • Steve Braddick


  • David Gordon

    Thursday 20th October – Bike Beans Ashstead

    • David Gordon

      Thursday November 3rd – discovering the hinterlands of Wild West Wickham. Stop will be the High Street and a place called Scotts Kitchen (Mark’s appetite not failing him).
      Expect some hills if I can find them!

  • David Gordon

    Thursday 29th October – Brocketts Farm

  • David Gordon

    Thursday November 3rd – discovering the hinterlands of Wild West Wickham. Stop will be the High Street and a place called Scotts Kitchen (Mark’s appetite not failing him).
    Expect some hills if I can find them!

    • Thank you to everyone who looked after me after my encounter with a van . thankfully all ok having checked out by Mayday. Suffered only sore head and neck and dented pride .

      • mark hancock.

        hope your on the mend now ricky,you had a lucky escape not being kept in at mayday its not very nice there,get well soon.

        • Stuart

          My medical friend refers to it as MayDie. So count your blessings Ricky 😉

      • Meike Turnbull

        Morning Ricky,

        Hope all goes well with you and that you are on the mend. Hope to see you out again very soon. Or on Sunday at the AGM

    • Peter Roberts

      Thanks for an interesting ride Dave, must be a record for me, 43 km to the cafe, then 3 km home! Sorry to hear about your incident Ricky, I hope you recover fully.

      Since I joined Anerley one aspect of the rides has intrigued me, namely the starting times, 10 am in the week, and 9 am on Sundays! With the light now fading earlier is there any benefit in considering a slightly earlier start for weekday rides? I understand people’s concerns about traffic, but if we started at 9:30 most of the traffic should be gone.

      • mark hancock.

        hi peter,its a problem some people can’t make the earlier start im afraid,walking dogs,church work,in my case having a lie in.i mean you could ask on the tuesday ride.but i think the thursday one should be ok because we ride faster and cut the distance down to no more than 40 miles.which see us back by 3pm.

        • Yes I agree with you Mark. People have to cycle to the start and for some of us from ourside Croydon that would mean riding through the rush hour. Frankly I wouldn’t.

      • Meike Turnbull

        When John and I started these rides it was just us two, then one or two more joined us and gradually it evolved into what it is today. The Summer rides are normally around 40 – 60 miles. Leisurely, up and down, down tracks (if not muddy) and tea stop somewhere. In Winter the rides are shorter around 30 miles to allow for the earlier fading of daylight, and of course a tea stop.
        Destinations have always been up to the leader, moans and groans have always been up to the members. At the end of the ride everyone had enjoyed themselves and gone home refreshed, tired but glad of the ride and friendship of the members. Sometimes we even had wet rides, but who cares?

  • Vince

    Tut, tut, Stuart. My previous comment is nowhere to be seen, so you are clearly suppressing perfectly valid criticism of one of your club’s members. A very silly thing to do as you now give me no alternative but to take matters further and go public with my concerns, both with CTC but also with the many public cycle forums, particularly CTC’s very own Cycle Chat, which has numerous threads about London cycle clubs, some of which I see we have both contributed to in the past.

    I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that, these days, negative experiences when made public spread very quickly and can have a devastating effect on a club. I have rarely experienced such rudeness as I did from D Gordon, being told to piss off for making a perfectly valid complaint to him about a ridiculous and long off-road section, especially as we were all on road bikes, and I’ve no doubt the wider cycling community will take an extremely dim view of such deplorable behaviour. I don’t know if this abhorrent little man is typical of the Anerley membership. For your sakes I hope not. I should also inform you that I am far from the only one who was disgusted with Gordon’s disgraceful conduct.

    As I am a reasonable person I shall, firstly, give you the opportunity to respond to my supplied email address with contact information for Meike before I reveal my grievances about Anerley to the wider world. Alternatively you can simply forward this message to her and she can respond to me by email.

    I shall give you until Friday 11 November to do so, a more than generous amount of time. I presume, by now, the potentially hugely damaging consequences of yesterday’s events are now becoming apparent to you.


    • admin


      No, nothing but spam gets suppressed here. You posted it yesterday (in reply to a six year old converstation) and was immediately approved when I logged on today.

      I’m sorry if you had an unfriendly encounter elsewhere but, as you yourself point out, we should be friendly to each other. Making unwarranted and false accusations against me doesn’t go with that, does it?.

      I will draw Tom’s and Dave’s attention to your post and ask them to reply to you direct.


      • Vince

        My mistake, Stuart. Totally my fault. Please accept my apologies. I clearly clicked on the wrong reply button. Is it possible to move it to its intended destination? In all other respects the content of both comments still stands.

  • Tom Vaz

    Our leaders give up their valuable time to plan and organise these rides and if you don’t like a section then it’s fair enough to make a complaint. What is unacceptable is to complain about it for an extended length of time making it unpleasant and frankly embarrassing for the other 9 people out on the ride.

    Please don’t take offence but personally, I thought your complaining was far worse than the the off road section warranted. The bridleway was ride-able and when I fell over at a later stage of the day (on tarmac), it was down to my own stupidity (and Shimano SPD-SL cleats). The only damage to either you or me was to our pride.

    If you want to put it into real perspective, the real disaster of the day was Ricky cycling head first into a van parked in a cycle lane and ending up going to A&E on a spine board. NOT the bit of mud left on my shiny, new Titanium bike.

    Our Thursday rides are meant to be challenging touring, sometimes with hills and occasionally with a bit of mud. We are not a racing club and we certainly are friendly to newcomers to cycling or the Anerley. I am sorry if your experience has been otherwise.

    • ​Tom

      No offence taken. Likewise, no offence intended in respect of the following. I suggest that it would have been preferable for you to have been in full possession of the facts before responding. You say that my complaint about the off-road section was way in excess of what was warranted and that it caused an unpleasant and embarrassing atmosphere. To fill you in on the detail, my initial complaint was indeed about the route. However, the majority of the remainder of my ‘dialogue’ with Dave was regarding his discourteous conduct.

      About ten minutes after my initial complaint he came up to me and apologised for his behaviour. I said that telling someone to go and piss off if they didn’t like his ride was unacceptable, and he said “Maybe”. I then said that surely there’s no maybe about it, and that it is unacceptable under any circumstances. He then began acting like a petulant five year old and, for some strange reason, refused to accept this and said he was not going to be lectured to and told what to do by me.

      He then repeated this a little while later when I politely suggested that it would be a good idea to inform riders beforehand of any off-road sections on his ride. I also asked him at one point where we were and he rather peculiarly told me that I should know.

      If Dave had simply held his hands up when I initially complained and admitted that it was perhaps not the most sensible route for road bikes and, at the very least, it would have been a good idea to have informed riders beforehand, then that would have been the end of the matter. Unfortunately he chose not to do this, but instead to be highly discourteous, and continued in this manner. It is therefore Dave, and noone else, who was responsible for the ongoing bickering, so if you genuinely found it unacceptable, I suggest you direct your ire in his direction.

      I also note that even the slightest criticism of Dave by yourself is conspicuous by its absence. I therefore have a very simple question for you. Was it acceptable for him to say, if I didn’t like his ride, to go and piss off? A simple yes or no will suffice.

      Ricky’s collision was indeed potentially catastrophic (I hope everything’s fine Ricky and you’re back on your Boardman very soon). However it has absolutely nothing to do with my complaints about Dave. In fact if I’d known about it I would have posted a completely separate comment rather than devalue it in another topic – it certainly deserves it!

      Finally, you say that rides may involve the occasional bit of mud. I have absolutely no objection to that, so long as riders are informed of this odd ‘bit of ‘mud’ beforehand, preferably well in advance on the website, so they won’t have a nasty surprise en route. Do you not think this would be a good idea? Again, a yes or no response will be quite sufficient.

  • mark hancock.

    well let them come foward on here and say so,as for you no i don’t want you is that plain enough for you.

    • Karen

      Hi Mark, it’s Karen. As you know I’ve done a fair number of your rides this year and I’ve generally enjoyed them, but I’m very uncomfortable with some of your comments here. I was on that ride the other day and Dave’s behaviour was quite simply inexcusable, and even Dave himself admitted this when he apologised to me at the cafe stop afterwards. It is patently clear to any reasonable, intelligent person that you just don’t speak to people the way Dave did.

      You are also wrong to say everyone else was OK with the route. I certainly wasn’t and I was actually about to mention it to Dave but Vince beat me to it. I shall also be raising this matter with Meike next time I see her.

      I am also concerned with your comment that new riders should not be allowed to question or complain about aspects of a route. Their view is as valid as anyone else’s and often it requires fresh blood to recognise things that could be done better.

      It also seems very strange that you are so keen to prevent someone from joining who simply said what a number of others were thinking but who didn’t have the strength of character to say anything. The only person who should be admonished is Dave.

      In short I am in complete agreement with Vince on this matter, so does that mean I am not welcome on any of your rides when you’re fit again?

      I believe that, deep down, you know full well Dave was in the wrong, but personal loyalties prevent you from critising him. Unfortunately this is no way to run a club, and as Vince has said in another post, it must look very bad to anyone who happens to stumble upon this section.

      • mark hancock.

        karen as you have written dave did say sorry.on the point of new riders,i am happy to have new riders join,when i joined john turnball was captain and i would not try to question his leadership,he taught me alot about riding and getting along with people,and i model myself on him as a run leader.until a new rider has been out on any run with the club for a few month’s,its not the done thing to moan to any run leader,you have to prove your place in the group by ability first,looking after others second,and then as weeks and month’s go on you as a new rider get more of a voice in a group.this is the way to behave in any new group or job,this i believe is why yince overstepped the line.

  • David Gordon

    Thanks everyone for your support. It would appear from the testimonies of Vince and Karen that I could have chosen my words better. However I was driven to it by a relentless and disgraceful tirade from the first mentioned. I have been a member of this fantastic club for just four years and was very honoured to be asked to step into Mark’s shoes whilst he recovers from his injuries. The ethos of this club is quite clear to me and it does not include stupid rules about the odd little bit of bridal path or potholed road. Due to the stress he has caused and seems determined to continue to cause involving now some dearly loved people who you will all know I would like to retract any apologies I may have made and stand by what I said which I believe was richly deserved.

    • I am terminating discussion on the Thursday Ride and removing all comments not directly related to the original complaint. Personal abuse is not the Anerley way.

      • Meike Turnbull

        Thank you Stuart

  • Sian Charlton

    Hi Everyone, I hope to be down in time for the Annual Dinner when I will no doubt embarrass those I rember from the past.! . At 84 I am probabl;y the oldest Anerley mmber in years , though certainly not in membership.
    At the moment my greatest mileage for the day has been 18 and I am trying to get fit enough to ride the Eroica Britannia, is anyone else riding in that event. I am staying at the coachhouse in Ashbourne. When I get fit enough to ride 40miles ina day, I will comedown and join you for tehr ide out to 11’s and no I don’t mind a couiple o fmiles of rough stuff on eeh way! Sofar Ihave not fallen off of my trike this year, though on trying to ride my Paris Galibier I had two tumbles within a 100 yards, any tips on how to balance on two wheels, would be apreciated!.

    • Meike Turnbull

      Morning Sian,

      Top tip….stay off the bottle! Hope to see you at the dinner.

    • John Eden

      Hi Sian, I did the Eroica in June and I plan to do it again next year! Mark Hancock did mention he might do it next year on his Moulton! At 84 you might be the oldest rider there, I will be a mere 67, see you at the Annual Dinner! regards John.

    • mark hancock.

      would be nice to see that paris again sian,im sure it would be a great exhibit at the club dinner any chance of bringing it.

  • David Gordon

    Thursday ride 17th November

    Italian phrase book optional: Giro in Esher is the target set by Mark.
    approx. 20 miles plus detours!

  • Alice Reavell

    Hi TomTom, Barry, Stuart et all, just to thank you for a great ride today to Horne Golf Club. Hope to join you again next week weather permitting. Alice

    • admin

      Alice et al,

      Ride report is now on the home page.

  • John Eden

    Hi Dave, 20 miles sounds good, if I get bored with plastering, I might just join you!

  • David Gordon

    Hi John,
    sorry you didn’t make it –
    so you got plastered instead?
    Next week going eastwards away from the traffic!

    • John Eden

      Hi Dave, sorry to take so long to reply, not had access to a computer, probably still plastered this Thursday, might go out tomorrow on run to Biggin Hill, easier ride, and can still do plastering on Wednesday!

  • mark hancock.

    agne has had her bike stolen its was not insured,can we help to put her back on two wheels im hoping we all can give 10 pounds to help her,she is a real talent,if any members can help can we have a rip round on sunday,tuesday,and thursday,lets help a fellow anerley member.

  • mark hancock.

    i mean whip.

  • mark hancock

    if anyone who has read the beryl burton and john turnball story,i have the dvd of the you tube clip if any members would like to watch it.


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