
Thursday Ride: 23 May

At 9.30 we had a hail storm. At 10 it was heavy rain so the three of us, me plus Dave and Philip, sheltered under the canopy at Tesco to see if any late comers would arrive. By five past ten no one else had turned up but the rain had turned off and we had a dry ride.  Windy, but with some sunshine until the last mile home.
It is always a challenge for the ride leaders to devise new ways of getting to the same old places. So for a change of route to Lingfield, I went out via Farthing Downs to Chaldon, then past the Harrow and down White Hill to Bletchingley.  Rabies Heath Rd took us to the top of Tilburstow Hill and its infamous Fox and Hounds  (see http://anerleybc.org/tilburstow-hill-and-godstones-pirate/ )

With a very strong wind behind us and blowing us along at a fair old rate, we were making good time and ahead of schedule for our meet up time with John and Meike. Hence I detoured off the A21, to do a loop thru Horne and New Chapel. A few extra miles which brought us into Lingfield from the south east.

It was the first visit by Anerley B.C to the splendid tea room at Lingfield which is appropriately named “The Place To Meet”, because as the photo shows, here we did meet up with John and Meike.  Also, good news for the Sunday club runs, this tea room is open on Sundays!


Leaving the tea room to head back home, we were immediately assailed by the very strong head wind, which we had to battle against most of the way home. But at least it was sunny.  Or it was until we were coming into Kenley along the Godstone Rd! Here we  arrived under the black clouds, which for some time we had seen ahead.  First hail and then a torrent of rain!
Philip and I raced to the bus stop ahead, the canopy saving us from a further soaking. Short and sharp. Five minutes and the rain stopped and we were able to continue on our way.

Next Thursday will be our last ride in May (30th May) so let us hope that flaming June lives up to expectations! Meet at Shurguard at 10 from whence we head off to the tea room at Four Elms. If the sun shines upon us we will do a short but scenic detour around Bough Beech Reservoir on our way to the tea stop.


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