Halloween Ride 2023

Saturday 28th October
The Met Office issued a weather warning of heavy rain and potential flooding covering the early part of Saturday morning and again from about 15.00 hrs in the afternoon. The hourly forecast suggested that we might be lucky with a sunny period in between, so 7 of us decided to take a chance on this, the last day of summer time – with the clocks going back at midnight! The overnight heavy rain had ceased and it was sunshine and blue sky, when we set off to Bocketts Farm.
When we arrived at Bocketts Farm everything was decked out for the children in the spirit of Halloween as you can see below. Also, note the wet roads which suggested that the overnight heavy rains had only recently ceased in the Surrey Hills.

Only skeleton staff on duty at the farm today!

And coming back through Kingswood Warren one of the properties had it’s own Halloween display

We got back home at about 3 o’clock, just in time, as the weather forecast was right and we did have more heavy rain.