
Sunday Ride: 24th August 2015


Jim, thanks for an interesting ride with the deluge ahead of forecast on the return leg from ‘Domestiques’ cafe Bookham break. No photo but riders Jim, Pete, son Cameron, Ken, Tom and Frank.

Everybody wanted to get back early either for 100m final in Beijing, according to Ken from Bromley 1pm but was 2.20pm, F1 in Belgium Pete in particular, or curfew FK or deluge.

The rain got going on way past Polesdon Lacey turn off where a guy in white came in front of me then, hands off handle bars, performed various arm exercises behind his head and back most of the way down.

Although last up Box Hill I led the peleton of Ken and Tom on the straight stretch from Pebblecombe to Kingswood. Ken was on my tail and said we were doing 23 mph. I kept it going through the rains down Chipstead Valley Road then on to the crowded A23 to Purley. Not sure what K & T did but had to overtake two very large transporters each caring a mobile Home on the pavement [safely]. Caught up at Purley lights and could see one or two Anerley tops at previous lights. Onward to Purley Oaks and up Purley Downs Road water streaming down everywhere. Passed Sanderstead Hill church at 12.52 and back to 11AC at 12.59! Squelch, squelch to turn on TV, complaints from other half, but Beijing races were behind schedule….. Still it was a great spur to get back.

Following Dave’s suggestion, later we did a culture vulture visit to All Saints Church Tudeley to admire Marc [Zakhorovich] Chagall stained glass windows. Somewhat over run when a coach full of German tourists arrived! Then refreshments in the garden, with our choc lab Denzel, at local Poacher and Pheasant novo pub clutching my 10% discount Chagall post card from the church.

Tom and riders had the rains Tuesday….