Saturday Ride: 22nd February 2020

A good turn out for a short but scenic ride to Leatherhead and back via Box Hill
Seven of us at the start, Alison, Fran, Karen, Asif, Graham, Mick and Pete to be joined soon after by Miles and then Sandra and Tina at Coulsdon.
We headed out via Chipstead Valley and Kingswood but our route to Little Switzerland was foiled by a closed road so we followed Miles’ excellent detour to Leatherhead and then along the bank of the (not flooded) river Mole to Rykers.
The burgers and various bacon and egg baps were excellent as always. It was a bit packed so we had to split onto separate tables which wasn’t ideal for group chat.
Bob who missed the start managed to join us at the tea stop so the eventual turn out was Eleven. Not bad for a rainy windy February day
After tea it was up Boxhill and then downhill with the wind behind us back to Coulsdon
Pete experimented with his new iPhone camera but we think he needs to work on his smile.
36 miles at approx 11 mph