The Bugle | Blast 413

Friday 22nd November 2019

'Chicked' Edition




“If the hills get too hard, just get off and walk – I’m sure the boys will wait for you!” - unknown (male) cyclist to Beryl Burton:

Beryl dominated women’s cycle racing in the UK, winning more than 90 domestic championships and seven world titles, and setting numerous national records in the 1950s & 60s:



Anybody who did last weekend's Lifesaver courses will need no explanation of why Tina should be this week's star. Who else could make matters of life and death fun? If any of us have to put that training into practice then the unforgettable memories of our 'green goddess' may make the difference - thank you again Tina.

This Sunday Tina will be defending her trophy as our top downhiller as she goes for the hat-trick. As you can see from the 2018 photo - no man could go further.



Google 'ladies bike' and this is what Raleigh (yep, they still exist) suggest you buy. Low frame for your skirts, basket for tour handbag and PINK of course.

OK - they didn't have derailleurs in 1881 but have we really moved on?

Raleigh may not but thankfully the Anerley has. Admitting women (after a fierce battle) in the 1960s, long having a woman President and two of our strongest riders of recent times (Gina & Louise) graduated on to more challenging cycling.



A term I was in blissful ignorance until this week until I read an article entitled "Ego trip: why are some male runners so threatened by a speedy woman?"

The author said that in cycling there is actually a name for it – to be “chicked” means to be beaten by a woman. 'Chick' is often regarded as a derogatory term perhaps neatly encapsulating the feelings of many men being passed. Also now a term now being 'owned' by those very women with a jersey to beautifully rub the salt in. You can own one too:

There are many interesting articles on the subject. Here's a couple for starters:



We all get inexplicable abuse cycling in London. What blokes don't always realise is what we get is doubled up if you are a woman.

Yes, nearly twice as much abuse according to a 2015 study. More disturbingly it isn't just the quantiy but the sex related nature of much of it. I'm sure this article is not news to our ladies but is a reminder to us men:



Our AGM is on the 24th of November at 4:30pm in the usual venue (South London Harriers Club, 194 Brighton Rd, Coulsdon CR5 2NF), That's up the alley to the left of the Wok shop. 

All are welcome to plan the future of the club and enjoy each other's company. Make sure you have paid your sub if you want any tea or cake!




Saturday 16th November: Seven of us out today for a ride to Polesden Lacey. . Miles was on his new electric power assisted road bike – a very nice looking machine and only a very close inspection would reveal the motor in the rear hub. Why the puppy?

Sunday Steady 17th November: A cold start but a beautiful sunny morning, Quite a crowd turned out, which split up into two groups for our ride to Priory Farm at Nutfield:

Tuesday Relaxed 19th November: A shorter ride to Reigate’s Priory Park. It has a very nice and warm tea room, lovely views across the park, and a varied and extensive menu:



Saturday 23rd November: Note this ride is weather dependent! 50% rain is forecast but we will try to do a shorter route to Horne Golf Club if it looks ok. Go / No Go will be confirmed on Ride update by 8.45 am Saturday morning. Meet at Shurguard 10.00am or Farthing Down Car Park. 10.35am. Out via Farthing Down, Bletchingly to Horne for tea stop. Back via Marden Park

Sunday 24th November: Downhill Freewheel Competition
Everybody welcome to this fun event, It's fiercely competitive but as you are not allowed to pedal the strongest can be the weakest and the heaviest have an advantage.
Meet Shurguard/501 Brighton Road 10am for the ride to the top of Marden Park for a 10:30 or thereabouts start.
Return for AGM or go on to Tully's Farm with Mark (hopefully back in time).

Tuesday 26th November:  Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. 
09:30 Early Leader: Tom V to Coffee Active, Ashtead
10:00 Steady Leader: Sue D to Polesden Lacey
10:00 Relaxed Leader: Des D to Coffee Active, Ashtead

Thursday 28th November Speedy: Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am. 
Destination: tba 



The Purley-Paris-Purley run last year descended this delightfully named road t'other side of Lindfield on the way to Newhaven. If you are ever that way, try i!. You won't be disappointed ;-)


TomTom spotted this nun. Training hard to topple Tina on Sunday and chick us all out?

Happy Downhilling