The Bugle | Blast 407

Friday 11th October 2019

Hilly Edition




May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face

- from an Irish blessing



The club is celebrating two eightieth birthdays this month - but here we step back and see what the young'uns are doing elsewhere. Like Mirtha Munoz who has scaled the peak of extreme cycling - at a mere 70.

Extreme? Well up Bolivia’s “Death Road” spiralling skyward nearly 3,300 metres, from the country’s lowland jungles to the snow-capped peaks of the Andes. Fog, rain, rockslides and sheer cliffs are main attractions. The road has likely claimed thousands of lives.

And we get complaints from club members about the Limpsfield Road up to the heady heights of Botley!

More about this lovely lady and her contribution to cycling here:



Mirtha's bike doesn't look like this. Maybe because she might not have £6,100 of loose change in her shorts. But for young professionals who do - or are in a team with hill climbing ambitions - this is the bees knees according to Cycling News.

The BMC Teammachine SLR01 Disc has massive pedalling stiffness from the oversized down tube and bottom bracket area, combined with the comfort gained from thin, dropped seat stays,  a semi-integrated cockpit system (that still retains adjustability for both fit and maintenance) and updated cable management.

So now you Know!

As though geek'o'speak alone can get you up Beddlestead faster. I'll just refer you to it and its closest competitors:



Good to hear that more of you signed up to Tina's lifesaving classes on Saturday & Sunday 16/17th November.

The list I now have is:
Sue Di, John Di, Mick K, Mark H, Graham D, Jo S, Vince H, Stuart G, John Dr, Tom M, Karen W, Bob G, Chrys M, Sally S, Tim S, Des D, Steve B, Fran S.

That just about makes her minimum of eight per day. But if I have missed you out or you would still like to come (open for everyone) contact Tina or reply to this email with your contact details.

Details of the sessions can be found in Bugle 406.



Last Tuesday the 'Steadies' encountered a little Road Rage in Knockholt. Not on the scale of this gentlemen (click the picture or click here to see the video). Nor with such a self-induced bad ending for himself.

But do watch the video. You will probably agree the driver was in the wrong in so many ways starting with the close pass. But what of the actions of the cyclist?

Did it help the driver see the error of his ways and improve his respect, care and appreciation of the dangers of his actions? Or did it wind him up even more and while he was the only person to suffer in the end - it could have ended much more badly for other people.

On Tuesday a lady driver made, according to those involved, an error of passing in a narrow lane into a space ahead, meeting an oncoming vehicle and swerving and braking in front of them almost causing a collision.

The driver stopped the whole group complaining someone had nearly ridden into her from behind, we were not leaving enough spaces for her and so on. The detail, the blame is not the issue here. It was evident to me that no useful discussion could be had. She had lost it right or wrong.

Every contribution from fellow riders (however righteous) was only winding her up more. She was blocking the road, she had a child in the car. Ending the situation quickly and painlessly as possible was my aim as leader.

I was dismayed that my repeated requests to fellow riders to not intervene was ignored. It made imho, a bad situation worse. I do understand the adrenelin that flows in such situation. But discipline and following the instruction of the leader is important for the safe conduct of rides.

If that happens again I shall, as maybe I should have done then, require any rider who doesn't take instruction to leave the ride. I will, at the suggestion, of another rider present seek clarification of a code of conduct in these situations at the upcoming AGM.

The hotter it gets the cooler we should be.

Now another video of a bit of cyclist on cyclist action. We can see who was in the wrong and what a prat he was - but is the cameraperson doing any real good? - and whose looking out for other oncoming dangers during the 'discussion'. Click on the video or go here:



Some of us avoid hills, some of us seek them out for pleasure. The worst, for me this year, was the climb up to ex-Capt'n Jeremy's abode on Dartmoor; Pound Lane.  Doesn't look much here but it goes, on, and on continually steepening with viscious turns where you lose all momentum:

Here's a few more for our resident hillbangers to weave into their plans for 2020 tours:


Saturday 5th October: 8 (plus 1) Ride to Horne Golf Club and Stuart does a ton plus Bob has a fairy:

Tuesday 8th October: Knole Park and a knockabout at Knockholt with a motorist:



Saturday 12th October: CANCELLED. Bad weather expected

Sunday 13th October Speedy: 09:00 Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Mark leads to Ightham Mote

Sunday 13th October Steady: 09:00 Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Julia writes: the ride will go to Denbie's via Ranmore Common. Anyone who usually rides with Des is welcome to come along (we happened to meet him on the bikes last Saturday and he requested this, as he's away this weekend).

Tuesday 15th October:  Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Ride to National Cat Centre (nr Sheffield Park) - new 50 mile destination for ABC.
09:30 Early Leader: Tim S
10:00 Steady Leader: Bob G
10:00 Relaxed Leader: Des D who will lead a shorter ride tba

Thursday 17th October Speedy: Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am. 
Destination: tba 

Thursday 17th October Steady: Meet Shurguard at 09:45 am. 
Joint ride with CTC Central London. About 45 miles to Richmond via Teddington. Lunch at The Anchor Great Bookham. Return by train.



A bit off our normal tracks but I spotted this whilst riding down (or is it up?) Cycle Superhighway 2 in Limehouse. Apparently it is derived from an old food market at that spot.



Gritting your teeth for the Beddlestead climb - you must have noticed this on your left what is probably the only 'French' mountain marker in Surrey.

Wonder why Skelly? The answer is on the side as is the week's quote but, like me, you never stopped to look and read?

Placed in memory of Paul Skelly who died on the 21st May 2016. Paul was a good friend and customer of Cadence. Beddlestead lane is one of Paul's favourite local climbs and his friends thought that a mountain marker would give riders a reason to smile as they pass by and it will help keep Paul in everyone's minds.

Happy Cycling