This is Frank on August 24 being attended by Kent Air Ambulance after his high speed encounter with a sturdy hedge. He was hospitalised for a week but is now home, getting stronger, walking the dog, swimming gently and hopes to be back on a bike by year end.
I have put the incident as seen by Frank and witness on the website here:
Frank writes:
Dear Mark H, Mark B, Barrie, Belinda and John E
I had hoped by now to have invited you all round including Dave G to Chez Kippin to thank you personally for your splendid efforts and support calling the emergency services and extracting me from the woody hedge so that the ambulance paramedics could tend to me at the side of the road.
Thank you Belinda for your on the spot expertise and for letting Julie know what had happened so that she could ring the hospital and visit me by taxi in case she could not drive back..... Julie drove down each day as well as take Denzel for his walks and I was discharged a week later on the Thursday.
Thank you Mark B and Barrie subsequently driving to Bough Beech to pick up my Wilier Triestina from the local Bough Beech chap, Mark Beardon, for over night safe keeping and then taking it round to Dave G's house thence to 11AC. Thanks for retrieving from the hedge my mobile and glasses.
1st Lesson learnt the hard way I must follow the leader at all times unless given permission to ride ahead!
Only one this week:
Tuesday Ride 19th September: Des does the hills slowly to Coolings Garden Centre with a new recruit: