Some of you may have seen these pix on Facebook but just as many didn't so here we will repeat George L's story ...
When my grandson was about 2 years old, he was given a balance bike (kid's bike which has no pedals) so that he could play with his older sister who herself would be riding her little bike (pedals with no stabilizers) in the driveway. Within weeks he was on his sister's bike!
When he was two and a half, I remember my astonishment when his dad told me that he cycled all the way from the bottom to the top of Boxhill on his sister's bike. (I think he must have been given a little push near the hair-pin bend. Nevertheless, it was an amazing feat in my mind for a 2-y-o and his reward for reaching the top was a cone of ice cream at the shop!)
Anyway, my son decided then that it was time for the nipper to have a new bike. He posted a photo on Twitter of that two and a half year old on the new bike and said half jokingly (and half flippantly as any proud parent would) that he'd win the Ronde in 20 years time.
Here the rest of the story (reported in a cycling news)
We're feeling all warm and fuzzy this Friday morning after Peter Sagan decided to make a young fan's year by sending him a signed jersey and a signed copy of his book, 'My World'.
Originally Dr Jonathan Leung posted a photo of his young son on a Frog kids' bike - to which Sagan privately messaged to ask if the boy was his son. Leung said yes, and that one day the two-year-old will win the Ronde... and Sagan asked for an address and phone number to "further encourage this future champion."
A week later and the nipper was a proud owner of a Sagan edition world champ's jersey and a book with a personal message. Chapeau Mr Sagan, that is indeed how true champions behave!