Whether we leave or stay, nationalise or privatise - we will still be cycling through the next parliamentary term if the potholes don't get us first. So what are the parties promising to do about it and making cycling more attractive and safer?
The Guardian read every manifesto - so you don't have to. Here is a summary of their analysis:
Funding pledge on cycling: £70m per year, each year of the new parliament; total £350m.
Per head per year: £1.18 – so less than the current spend.
Funding pledge on cycling: £4.7bn on capital funding with £2.5bn for revenue funding in the first year, skewing towards revenue funding in later years.
Per head per year: £50 per head per year by the end of the parliament.
Liberal Democrat
Funding pledge on cycling: 10% of the transport budget by the end of a five-year parliament.
Per head per year: Dependent on the transport budget (about £40 in 2024).
Brexit Party
Funding pledge on cycling: £0.
Per head per year: £0.
Funding pledge on cycling: £2.5bn per year for 10 years.
Per head per year: £42.
A very, very stark left/right split ... their full report is here: