The Bugle | Blast 405

Friday 27th September 2019

Eighties Edition





"My seventies were interesting and fairly serene, but my eighties are passionate. I grow more intense as I age" - Florida Scott-Maxwell



“Des’s Angels” (the ladies who he has been doing interval training sessions with and we’ve become known as) took him out for an early birthday lunch on Wednsday at the tea shop we stop at on the training rides - the Lord Roberts in Purley.

He got the full rendition of “Happy Birthday” sung by everyone in the cafe and had a nice cake and balloons to take home. When the cake was handed out Des was quick to remind us that we needed to do 1 climb of Box Hill to burn it off.

How to put a girl off!



Google "bicycle of the eighties" and this Raleigh Tuff Burner is hit 1. The decade of the BMX. A few more here:

Is it too late to get Des one ;-)



Purley URC, 18/09/2019, 8.00-9.30pm (kindly provided by Club Sec Fran)

Review of current Tuesday rides

Tom, Peter and Des, as the three key leaders of Tuesday rides, reported back that the recent changes were very positive. They have had no complaints from riders and they themselves feel that the changes allowed riders the freedom to choose which speed they wished to travel at. Destinations were far less clogged making for a quicker serving of food and drinks.

Review of ride etiquette

There is still room for improvement in ride etiquette. The following points were agreed upon and must be adhered to by all riders:

  • When cycling on bendy country roads, cyclists should be in single file.
  • If a car(s) wants to overtake and are having difficulty, then it is the cyclist’s responsibility to single file out.
  • If there are potholes then single file riding must be adhered to once again.
  • Do not overtake a leader unless going uphill, OR you are offering to ‘take the wind’ for a while. YOU are responsible for yourself as a rider. If you go ahead and as a result get lost, it is your responsibility to find your way home.
  • If the groups are large, there should be a decent gap between every 6 riders to allow cars to pass.
  • Absolutely no going through red lights!
  • When waiting for other riders, cyclists must stay in as close to the kerb as possible.
  • Avoid arguments with car drivers…even if you feel they are in the wrong.
  • Leaders should alert riders in good time as to whether they plan to go through Coulsdon town centre or take the left turning towards Farthing down.

It was noted that between a third to a half of cyclists at the meeting did not have Whatsapp on their phone. Other people reported that it was not always possible to find a signal. It was agreed that the ride leader should have the phone numbers of riders and riders should also have the phone leaders’ number.

There was much discussion on the disrepair of Limpsfield Road and Meike suggested that we should individually complain to the council. The more numerous the complaints the greater the urgency to repair before a serious accident happens.

The provision of a steady ride for Sunday/Thursday

Julia to administer a steady ride on Sundays, she has 6 people who are willing to lead rides on a rota basis. Julia to liaise with Tom V who had offered to provide leadership training and with Peter R who administers the Tuesday rides. Des will often lead a Sunday ride and if appropriate Des and the new group can ride together.

Des often leads a Thursday more relaxed ride. It should be noted that Des has requested that his group does not get too big to manage safely.

Alternative ways to decide who gets the attendance cup.

It was suggested that all ride leaders take a register of who is on their ride every week. This is not happening and it was agreed that riders would keep a copy of their own attendance record. If you are unsure of which rides you have been on, look back at the club photos to give you an idea.

First Aid training

Tina has offered to give all club members First Aid Training, working with groups of 8-12ish. Please note this training is not the basics on how to put on a plaster or an arm sling but will cover things such as cardiac arrests and other such traumas that can occur within our cycling fraternity. Tina will send out details of times/places via the Bugle.

The use of electric bikes

It was unanimously agreed that electric bikes would be welcomed on all rides.

Reminder of how decisions are made within the club.

We were reminded that any big decisions affecting many club riders needs to be bought before the committee and a decision would be made at a club meeting with all riders present and able to have their say. This is particularly pertinent when thinking about the nature of club rides. Smaller issues such as attendance or not at an environmental fair, or a pedalling cinema, or turbo training sessions can be made without the need for a members’ vote at a meeting.

British Cycling

The prospect of being affiliating to British Cycling started to be discussed but could not be explored due to time restrictions. This needs on the agenda for the AGM.

Regular meetings

 It was agreed that the club should meet 4 times a year including the AGM. If there were not enough points to discuss a formal meeting would not happen but an informal social could certainly go ahead.

Reminder of the AGM, Sunday 24th November



Our favourite Evening Standard featured paramedic  wants to save your life ...

Tina is running the course for any members of Anerley that would like to attend.

The training session is a 3.5 hour course that covers choking, management of an unconscious patient, signs, symptoms and treatment of heart attacks, recognition of cardiac arrest, basic life support (CPR) for adults and how to use a defibrillator.

I am also going to add a brief trauma session at the end. This will be an optional extra for anyone that wishes to stay but please be aware that there will be some graphic images so do not feel obligated to remain if it's not your thing!!  

This session will cover management of head & chest injuries and how to recognise and manage a catastrophic bleed. 

The training will take place at Croydon Ambulance Station, Primrose Lane, Shirley CR0 8YY. Initially there will be 2 sessions:
Saturday 16th November 09:30 - 1300
Sunday 17th November 1300 - 16:30

There is a maximum of 12 people per session and ride leaders will get preference in the first instance. 

To register your interest please reply by email to The bugle with your contact details and which session you'd like to attend to. Should neither  of the above dates be convenient, then please do still register your interest as I will be happy to run more sessions if there is enough people that wish to do it.



Sally has written up their epic ride from Carshalton to Instanbul with loads of stunning pictures here:



Saturday 21st September: Two go to Shoreham Air Museum plus two more who go on to do a ton to Marden in Kent, Oh and we meet two with a 4.2: 



NB Tom V is not able to lead rides for the next couple of weeks. We need cover for his  Tuesday 09:30 rides.

Saturday 28th September: 
Steady Ride:
Shurguard/501 Brighton Road 9.00am, Coulsdon PO 9:20am. This week we're off to Tanhouse farm via Reigate Heath, and Leigh. Back via Boxhill 43 miles
Speedy Ride: Mark H is flying to Ightham Mote 9:00?

Sunday 29th September:  CANCELLED. Bad weather forecast.

Tuesday 1st October:  Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Rides to High Elms Golf Club (not Country Park Cafe!)

09:30 Early Leader: Leader needed
10:00 Steady Leader: Peter R
10:00 Relaxed Leader: Des D

Thursday 3rd October: Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am. 
Destination: tba 



Another from Des who must have climbed that ferocious hill t'other side of Shoreham to take in the view!



No Sunday ride so why not take shelter with the the Aldi Cycling Event. Details:

Happy Cycling