Is Hammersmith Bridge the only one? This week structural engineers found the wonderful Victorian feat of technology unsafe for motor traffic. They were instantly banned. There is no funding for repairs (estimated at £37 million) so it may be years before it can be re-opened. Pedestrians & cyclists are either more dispensible or the authorities realise we don't pose a threat to this country's crumbling infrastucture.
Maybe in these hard times the government should trouser this expenditure and make the more pleasant environment permanent. What do you think?
Diaries out for Wednesday 24th April at 7:30pm. Club meeting will be held at Purley United Reformed Church Hall, 906 Brighton Road, Purley CR8 2LN. You've ridden past it so many times. Agenda will include:
Rding standards * Tuesdays Club Run * New improved Thursday Club Run * LCC free ride marshalls * Junior Section * Bikefest
I've just got my second reminder - oops! If you haven't paid and didn't get one then let George know quick.