The Bugle | Blast 379

Friday 22nd March 2019
Late Deal/No Deal Edition



“It is considered advisable to avoid, as much as possible, the use of the voice when passing foot-passengers or vehicles" -  Rule 8 (CTC Circular of 1880)



Jim Radcliffe is a keen cyclist (according to Bradley Wiggins) but he now has a whole peloton to cycle for him with his deal with Dave Brailsford to takeover and bankroll Team Sky as a re-branded Team Ineos from May 1st.

Not without controversy. Billionaire Jim Radcliffe - reputably Britain's richest businessman - made his fortune by buying up the former BP Grangemouth refinery to launch his oil & chemical corporation. Except he isn't very British scurrying off to Monaco to avoid paying tax whilst telling the rest of us to leave the EU.

Is this because he sees this as a way of weakening the regulatory pressures on fossil fuel production and fracking in which Ineos is heavily involved?

Which is why so many cylists are accusing him of using this opportunity as a way of attempting to 'greenwash' his company's image.

You decide - British Cycling's saviour or villain?


Chain Reaction have started their springf sale early. Cycling Weekly picked out this Tacx Vortex smart trainer was £379, now £199 as thier choice of best deal.

See more with links to CRC's website here:

Remember the bigger deal was Wiggle buying out their main online competitor. They retained the brand out added their own products to CRC's portfolio. But sometimes the prices differ so always check ...



2018 was a very competitive year for touring. What with Tim declining to sell Sally to the white slavers of Morocco or autumn's Tour de Lidl up the Seine to Paris. Both hot at times. Hence we should not forget the coldest and wettest Anerley tourists doing Spain's Picos (like the Grampians - only bigger) - Des, TomTom, John D led by Tom V.

It's taken this long for Tom to recover enough to write it up. Read his account here:


As club leader in this dicipline I have to give ground to Denise B. And not even off a bike!

Dear Denise will be out of action for a while - she found  ice on the piste and ended up with a fractured pelvis. Something she found "a little annoying". 

Still, it looks like she found the easiest way off the mountain!



No joking - Bromley (home tto Pete R and others) has just won Liveable Neighbourhoods funding to make the borough better for walking, cycling and living!

Transport for London has agreed to provide up to £10 million to improve travel connections for pedestrians and cyclists to and past Shortlands station from the surrounding area.

Bromley is one of 11 boroughs to have won a share in the second round of TfL’s Liveable Neighbourhoods funding to support area-based walking and cycling projects. In the run-up to Sadiq Khan’s election as mayor, the London Cycling Campaign got him to pledge funding for such programmes, so these Liveable Neighbourhoods are partly down to LCC campaigning and members’ hard work.

Well done to Bromley Council – this is an important first step to bringing major cycling improvements to the borough. And well done to Bromley Cyclists for its constant advocacy, particularly in inviting Will Norman, the mayor’s cycling and walking commissioner.




"Don't follow Frank" is/was a civil engineer. And civil engineeres don't spend all their time building nuclear bunkers (underground or thinly described tower blocks). The Institute of Civil Engineers are on our side in trying to foster greater cycling safety organising an important talk in central London on the 9th of April.

Kate Cairns (FICE, Telegraph Top 50 Women in Engineering) lost her sister to a lorry collision in 2009, since then she’s been one of Britain’s leading advocates for cycling and road safety. This talk will describe her story, her work to improve road safety and the challenges of implementing policy change at both the local and national level.

She’s supported by Michael Melnyczuk from SUSTRANS who will talk about the logistics of developing cycling infrastructure and his work on the National Cycle Network.

It is open to everybody. More:



None received - well none with piccies so they don't count!



Saturday 23rd March: Meet 10:00 at Coulsdon PO. Mark has organised a time trial training session near Henfold.  Or you could cycle up to Hyde Park arriving at 12:30 of a certain event. Might make telly.

Sunday 24th March: Meet Shurguard/501 Brighton Road at 09:00. Mark will be leading Table Hurst Farm, Forest Row

Tuesday 26th March: 
09:30 Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Tom V leads to Lullingstone or Eynsford
10:00 Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Pete R leads a more relaxed ride to Lullingstone or Eynsford

Thursday 26th March: Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am. 
Destination: tba 



Sadly our very own Prime Minister has screwed up our timetable. There will be no ride next Friday to Dover and the Europe for a couple of extra days in the EU. And its difficult to work out when we can actually do it. You might pencil in April or May, the next couple of years or never!

And if it is causing chaos to the Club - just imagine what it is doing to any business that does trade with with our nearest neighbours!

Happy Cycling!