The Bugle | Blast 357

Friday 19th October 2018
Fast & Far Edition



"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” - Irina Dunn



I was getting a bit of stick for leading too fast when this unknown guy zoomed up alongside on Tuesday's 'A' ride. He could possibly show me another ten years as we chatted, and chatted and chatted. So much I temporaily lost my bearings of which way to turn.

He was from West Kent CTC and enjoyed going out with his own group of 'fast boys'.  You guessed it that conventional looking Cannondale packed an extra punch ... 



An electric motor from a kit he fitted himself. About £300 from BAFANG. There are various sizes of batteries. Incredibly he claimed this one was good for 100 miles. Fancy doing that in your dotage - or even now?

It's a question we may all being asking in a few years - and there are a good number in the club approaching their eighth or ninth decade.

What's the view of club members? Generally favourable was the impression I got last Tuesday. Should such motors be allowed or even encouraged on club rides?

It's a question we may not be able to dodge much longer. Maybe an agenda item at the upcoming AGM?

More info on these kits here:


Mark H sent this cutting on club record holder SF Edge's achievement (without batteries):

For Specsaver folk it reads:

"On the morning of July 23rd at 9 o'clock, S. F. Edge started from the White Horse Cellars, Piccadilly, to essay the task of clipsing all previous coaching and bicycling records to Brighton and back, the best of which was F. Shorland's recent performance of  3h. 45min. for the half-distance. and 7h. 19min. for the double journey (as sketched by a P.I.P. Artist). Edge succeeded in his desire by reaching Brighton (fifty-four miles) in 3h 18min., an improvement of 28min. on Shorland's time for that stage of the journey, and duly getting back to the White Horse Cellars in 7h. 2min.50sec., or 16min. 10sec. better than Shorland's record. Mr. E. A. Powell was responsible for the times. A P.I.P. Artist also illustrates this event."

A reminder that you may have a chance of going to Brighton (and possibly back) chasing the Veteran Car Run on Sunday November 4th.



I was clearing out some old CDs and found one produced by an unknown club member of our club picturing the Anerley Bog-off 130 - a weekend run in 2011 to celebrate our 130th birthday with 130 return miles.

Here are a few. Recognise anybody? Find a fuller slide-show here:



Jo is standing down as Club Secretary this year. Hence we want a volunteer to fill the role. No previous experience required just the ability to listen and record events.

The only excuse for not volunteering is you got somebody else to volunteer instead! And if you don't fancy being secretary then there are other roles you could do - such as write or co-write the Bugle.

We get a lot of pleasure and achievement through the club. It is only fair to give a little back.

Names please!

The AGM is Sunday 11th November, 4pm at the South London Harriers Club House, 194a Brighton Road, Coulsdon CR5 2NF. Aestions fotr agenda items welcome.



Tuesday 16th October: Both A & B head for the Red Rum Cafe at Lingfield and almost collide. Frank plays trains and can cake get better than this:



Saturday 20th October: Meet Shurguard at 9.00 am..
Off Road ride to East Grinstead, via the Avenue Verte and Worth Way, return by train. Out via Farthing Down, Merstham to Tea stop at Redhill Aerodrome. Then on to Crawley and via the Worth Way to East Grinstead. 36 miles a lot of which is easy going off road. Return via train, estimated arrival back at East Croydon 2pm. All welcome, just no skinny slicks please. Here's what it looks like.

Sunday 21st October: Meet Shurguard at 9.00 am..
Mark H leads to Cleremont Landscape Gardens - a NT cafe near Esher. Then back via Leatherhead and Headley.

Tuesday 23rd October 'A': Meet Shurguard at 9.30 am.
George leads to Denbies near Dorking.

Tuesday 23rd October 'B': Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am.
Pete leads a more relaxed ride to Denbies near Dorking.

Thursday 25th October: Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am.
Mark H leads somewhere




Last week we reported on John D's knock off. This is possibly even more scary:


Happy Cycling!