The Bugle | Blast 434

Friday 17th April 2020
Latin Edition



"Latins are tenderly enthusiastic. In Brazil they throw flowers at you. In Argentina they throw themselves" - Marlene Dietrich


Sally & Tim for discovering useful tools for picking stones out of your tyres whilst ascending a volcano. Their Covid-19 cheating epic tour of Argentina and Chile this year is a must read for anybody who thinks times in here are tough. Just checkout these photos:

These and much more make up the 1st part of their journey: Neuquén to Bariloche (602 miles, 17 days):

More to come ....



A solar powered hand built penny-farthing on another tour of Latin America - this time in Columbia. 

Between 2006 and 2008 Jeff Summerfield cycled around the world on his Penny Farthing, visiting 23 countries, and riding 23,000 miles, or 35,405km. His next journey took him from Toronto to Ecuador, taking a year and a half, and 10,500 miles. The latest has been the first circumnavigation of Iceland by Penny Farthing, which was completed in August 2018.

Sample the wonderful pictuures from his blog here:
Checkout his youTube channel here:
(Thanks for the link TomTom)



The Tour de France 2020 hasn't given up yet. They have rescheduled to 29th August - 20th September. I wouldn't book Eurostar yet - the infection and death rates in France are currently much higher than the UK. However you can enjoy at your leisure some of their iconic climbs here:

Keeping fit is a challenge for championship wannabees. 2018 winner Geraint Thomas is combining this with raising money for the NHS. He will ride 12 hour shifts for three consecutive days, mirroring a typical NHS hospital shift, to celebrate the hard work of front line workers and raise money for the NHS. All without leaving his garage. More here:
For those of us who are cycling to work or taking a short exercise - social distancing is a challenge. We don't have that many cycle lanes. Hence the LCC is calling for pop-up temporary cycle lanes on main roads to make space and encourage people to get to work without cars or using public transport. See their full programme here:

Once again Germany leads. Having a fraction of our problem bt early and effective testing - they are already putting in and widening cycle lanes - see here:



A polite message to remind your members that their daily exercise should be taken in the vicinity of their home (not Coney hall/Keston etc.) And also they still need to leave a two metre gap from pedestrians and joggers, unlike two if your members today ( just hope they were from the same household) I'm sure most members are abiding by these guidelines, its just a shame a few feel they are exempt.
- Many thanks Coney Hall resident.

us via the website. It maybe that the complainant assumed an Anerley shirt meant you had cycked from Anerley. Hopefully it was two members from Coney Hall from the same household. But the message surely is:
  • Keep 2m from pedestrians or other riders at all times
  • Don't wear a Anerley shirt unless you live in Anerley!
Every ttime you do wear Anerley kit you take responsibility for the reputation of us all.



The bad news is only Tina and myself turned up Monday night. The even worse news is you missed Tina's GOOD NEWS that her despair of the chaos in the NHS of the previous week had been transformed in the last few days. Resources, guidelines and people had all begiun to click together. It was now an organisation fit and anxious to meet the 'peak'.

Tina will, hopefully, be with us again Monday night at 8pm. The usual meeting info will be circulated to members beforehand by email.


This is George Ernest Osmond on a safety tandem who set a NCU recond in1893 and a member of our club. George may be wearing the Anerley racing kit of the time. NB the chainwheel is on the left of the frame. Given that his hair parting is on the normal right side - it is unlikely that this is due to a reversal of the photo negative.

John E & Des D are researching George and, hopefully, we should have a fuller story appearing on the website soon.

We recently mentioned George Olley's record breaking LEJOG in 1907. Capt'n Mark has found this photo and advert for the type of bike George used - but it was fixed not with the new fangled 3-speed Sturmey-Archer in the photograph:


Our last Latin touch for the week: Velocipede.
Definition: A human-powered land vehicle with one or more wheels. The most common type of velocipede today is the bicycle. Derived from the Latin
Velo = swift & Ped = foot

It's usage nicely matches the club's history:

Swift velocipedes were also very popular in our early days. Here's a contempory video of an 1890 model in action. So contemporary you can spot the now mandatory 'social distancing'.

Stay Safe