The Bugle | Blast 412

Friday 15th November 2019

Medical Edition




"You’re saying I can’t get a hard-on in the press. My wife wants to come here and testify you’re a liar.” - Shane Sutton not helping to enhance the reputation of British Cycling this week. See below ..



For all the wrong reasons. This is Dr Richard Freeman the ex-Team Sky and British Cycling doctor who admitted this week to telling a bunch of lies in defence of defending himself against charges relating to delivery, recording and reporting on banned substances.

This week's appearance at a medical tribunal was truly explosive combined with a confrontation with Shane Sutton where no punches were pulled on either side.

Dr Freeman has now absented himself claiming he needs psychriatric help after Shane's vitriolic allegations. Where will this end?

His reputation appears shot and he has taken down with it the confidence we were told we should have in a drug-free team. Reports: 



Fancy this custom-built Specialized Rockhopper mountain bike fitted with blue lights, a siren and packing a load of legal drugs? Well if Tina's upcoming course this weekend turns you on - maybe becoming a  LAS Cycle Responder would make an interesting career change.

The advantage of bikes is they can reach the places motor vehicles can't or even the same places somewhat faster if traffic is gridlocked. Find out more here on what hey do and how they are equipped:

As if you needed a reminder about Tina's lifesaver courses this Saturday and Sunday. If you booked and forgot which - the email giving details was sent to you 17:56 11/10/19. Don't forget your mobile and Tina's number or you won't get through the gate. Bike parking available but sorry, no car parking.



What do you do when your chain breaks and there is no chain breaker to be found? You could, as Barry did last year on his 'ride' back from Brighton, remove it, lower the saddle, tie up the pedals and scoot home.

But here is a more elegant solution. Perhaps more suited to going down Ditchling than up it and not really optimised for those slim 11 speed chains.

Perhaps an early application of chain oil may have helped avoided the situation here ...



A series that triumphed in the nostalgia of proper nurses riding to the rescue armed with little more than a stethoscope and a smile. Not just on TV - my partner who was a St Thomas's Nightingale rode her nursing bike into the 70s.

The equipment has since improved but our local hospice that has them with a fleet of cars that pollute by the day and block roads for cyclists and pedestrians by night. Helping to kill those that they seek to save.

But all is not lost. St Thomas' is introducing Buurtzorg: the Dutch model of neighbourhood care. And from the picture below it would appear at least a couple of nurses are following the favoured Dutch method of transport. Though perhaps not so elegantly ...

Nore on Buurtzorg:




Sunday week 24th November. Will Tina get her shift change to defend her title for a third time in the morning? It's almost nail biting prequel to the AGM get-together in the afternoon.



None received this week.


We welcome back Tom V after his medical interlude to once again lead the Tuesday earlies.

Saturday 16th November: Meet at Shurguard, 501 Brighton Road, 10.00 am start. Heading to Polesden Lacey for tea stop. Out via Chipstead Valley, Kingswood, Epsom Downs, Leatherhead. Back via Boxhill, Chipstead Valley.  38 miles 

Sunday 17th November: 10:00 Shurguard/501 Brighton Road:
Speedy: Mark H leads to Henfold Lakes.
Steady: Tom & Julia lead to Priory Farn
Relaxed:  Des following the Steadies to Priory Farm.

Tuesday 19th November:  Shurguard/501 Brighton Road. Ride to Tanhouse Farm
09:30 Early Leader: Tom V
10:00 Steady Leader: Peter R
10:00 Relaxed Leader: John D

Thursday 21st November Speedy: Meet Shurguard at 10:00 am. 
Destination: tba 



Young Des is thinking ahead to planning his Christmas rides. This recce looks interesting - if only the green backed sign gave away that Lapland has gone south - well to the London Borough of Bromley and to its leafy Keston border.


Two stories of how bicycles can change lives. First up "'The bike saved me': cycling project for vulnerable people"

We noticed people were walking three hours to come to us, to see friends, to go to college, to do voluntary work, It can take it out of you if you are doing that every day. If you are used to just having money for a bus, or you have a car or are used to having your own bike, you can take that mobility for granted.  - James Lucas, co-founder of the Bristol Bike Project.

The not-for-profit cooperative’s Earn-a-Bike programme has been repairing abandoned or unwanted bicycles for the most vulnerable members of society for 10 years. Read on here:

Second story: "An e-bike changed my life"

Cycling maybe just a hobby for us, but for others the battery power of an e-bike has transformed their lives - enabling them to cycle when they otherwise couldn't, find new career paths and improve their mental health.

10 years ago, Doctors told Tim Gregory he had two years to live and he began using an oxygen tank to manage the disease. He says about 75% of his lung surface became scarred from fibrosis.

Tim, who had ridden since the age of 13, gave up cycling as he struggled to breathe.

"If you could imagine riding your bike with a tennis ball in your mouth and how that would affect your breathing then you're getting there."

Then Tim bought an e-bike and enjoyed riding off-road trails with people he has not been able to cycle with in 10 years.

He has even switched careers as a result and now sells e-bikes to help others like him.

This and other stories can be found here:

Happy Cycling